Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Workshops-Seminars 2022 - 2023

Workshops-Seminars 2022 - 2023

1. Hands on training on Collection of blood and separation of serumplasma
2. 5th General Body Meeting Cum One Day Workshop on the Impor
3. Seminar on Life Skills for College Students
6. Awareness on 'Cyber Security and Emerging Technology’ - BCA
8. Seminar on Mental Health for College Students
10. Cyber Security and Emergin Technologies- for 1st and 3rd Sem BSc, BSc Hs
11. Seminar on Mental Health and Stress Management
12. Cyber Security and Emergin Technologies for 5th Sem BSc, BSc Hs
13. Workshop on Career Guidance for Home Science Students
15. Career Guidance Programme at Govt. Zemabawk Higher Secondary School
16. Students’ Seminar – Science & Humanity
18. Intersection of Science and Religion (17.02.2023)
19. Winter Fest Cum HIV-AIDS Awareness Campaign (17.02.2023)
20. Awareness Programme of Drug Abuse Prevention (24.02.2023)
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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022