Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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R. Lalramengzami

R. Lalramengzami

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry


  • MSc (Chemistry), M.A.(English)


  • Inorganic Chemistry


  • Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College from 18th May 1998.
  • Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College till date.


  • Mobile : 9436140767

1. Alok Srivastava, R.LALRAMENGZAMI, C.Laldawngliana, D.Sinha, S.Ghosh, K.K.Dwivedi, A.Saxena, T.V. Ramachandran (1995). "Measurement of Potential Alpha Energy Exposure (PAEE) of Radon and it's progenies in dwellings in the North-eastern region of India"
2. K.K Dwivedi, A.Srivastava, S.Ghosh, D.Sinha, C.Laldawngliana, R.LALRAMENGZAMI, A.Saxena (1995) "Measurement of Indoor Radon in some dwellings in Aizawl, India".
3. R.Mishra, S.P Tripathy, L.Pachuau, C.Laldawngliana, R.LALRAMENGZAMI, S.Ghosh, K.K.Dwivedi, D.T.Khathing, T.V. Ramachandran (2000) "Concentration of Radon and Thoron in some dwellings of the North-eastern region in India"

1. Member : Mizo Academy of Science (MAS)
2. Alumni, International Visitors Leadership Program (USA)

This page was updated on 5th April 2021

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