Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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C Lalrinawma

C Lalrinawma

Assistant Professor & Head of Department

Department of Computer Science


  • M.C.A.
  • M.Phil (Computer Science)


  • Security in Cloud Computing, Computer Applications


  • Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Government Zirtiri Residential Science College from 28th May 2008 to till date


  • Email: lalrinawmaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view
  • Phone : 9436366800
  1. Secure hash Based distributed framework for UTPC Based Cloud authorization, Vol. 3, Issue 3, October-December(2012) pp. 54-65, International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology, ISSN 0976-6367(Print) ISSN 0976-6375, C. Lalrinawma and Dr. Masih Saikia
  2. Secure Modeling Schema of distributed information access management in cloud environment, Vol.3, Issue 2, July-December 2012, International Journal of Advanced research in Engineering and Technology ISSN 0976-6480(Print) ISSN 0976-6499, C. Lalrinawma and Dr. Masih Saikia
  3. Virtual Cloud Technology in Education Science, Technology and Development Journal [253-261 pages, October Issue, 2020]

1. Refresher Course on Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques, Dt 7th – 20th July, 2020
2. Faculty Induction Program, 27th May- 25th June, 2019

Sl. No

Name of Teacher

Training/ Refresher Course attended/ Completed during the relevant period

Name of Course

DurationDate of Completion

C. Lalrinawma

Information and Communication Technology

5 days

21st -27th March, 2019

27th March, 2019

3.National Level Short Course Training on Research Methodology

5 days

12th -17th August, 2019

17th August, 2019

5FDP on ICT Tools for Teaching, Learning Process and Institute

10 days

10th – 21st August, 2020

21st August, 2020


Internet of Things for Intelligent Systems

5 days

20th -24th

July, 2020

24th July, 2020

7Faculty Development Programme

5 days

5th -9th

April, 2021

9th April, 2021
8Data Science for ALL


12th – 23rd April, 2021.

23rd April, 2021


Faculty Development Programme


5th – 9th July, 2021

9th July, 2021


a. Moderation Board, BCA, MZU

b. Board of Studies (BOS), Computer Applications, MZU

c. Member, Examination Committee (2019-21)

d. Secretary, Security and Discipline Committee (2019-21)

e. Member, MCTA GZRSC Branch,

f. Member, Alumni Committee, GZRSC

This page was updated on 1st November 2021

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
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