Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Raginald H Vanlalchaka

Raginald H Vanlalchaka

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics


  • M.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
  • Ph.D. (on-going)
  • UGC-NET in Electronics Science


  • Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics, Government Zirtiri Residential Science College since July 4, 2018 to till date.
  • Mobile: 8974750040 / 8259968895

[1] Vanlalchaka, R.H; Roy, S.; Power Efficient Adiabatic Gray to Binary & Binary to Gray            Code Converter, Int. Jr. on Current Sc. & Tech., Vol-1, No.-,January-June 2013, pp: 119-124, ISSN : 23205636

[2] Vanlalchaka, R.H; Roy, S.; Acetycholine Gate Spiking Nuron Model, Int. Jr. on Current Sc. & Tech., Vol-1, No.-,January-June 2013, pp: 119-124, ISSN : 23205636

[3] Vanlalchaka, R.H; Roy, S.; Design & Analysis of N-Bit Comp[arator Based on Low Power Adiabatic Logic Technique, Int. Jr. on Current Sc. & Tech., Vol-1, No.-,January-June 2013, pp: 119-124, ISSN : 23205636

[4] Vanlalchaka, R.H; Roy, S.; 4-Bit Ripple Carry Adder using Proposed Energy Efficient Single Phase Adiabatic Logic Technique, Int. Jr. on Current Sc. & Tech., Vol-1, No.-,January-June 2013, pp: 119-124, ISSN : 23205636

[5] Konwar, S; Singha, T.B; Roy, S; Vanlalchaka, R.H.; Power Efficient Priority Encorder & Decorder, IEEE Int. Conf on Comp.Comm & Informs (ICCCI-2014) Jan, 02-05, 2014, Coimbator India. ISBN: 98-1-4799-2352-6/14

[6] Konwar, S; Singha, T.B; Roy, S; Vanlalchaka, R.H.; Adiabatic Logic Based Multiplexer & De-Multiplexer. IEEE Int. Conf on Comp.Comm & Informs (ICCCI-2014) Jan, 02-05, 2014, Coimbator India. ISBN:798-1-4799-2352-6/14

[7] Vanlalchaka, R.H; Roy, S.; Power Efficient Odd Parity Generation & Checker Circuits, Int. Conf. on Emerging Trends and Appl.In Cmp Sci. ICTACS-2013. ISBN : 978-1-4673-5250-5/13.

[8] Vanlalchaka, R.H; Maity, N.P; Zonunmawii.; “Correlation analysis between drowsiness and HRV parameters” Mizoram Science Congress 2018 (MSC 2018) Atlantic Press, Advances In Engineering Research, Volume 178, ISBN : 978-94-6252-638-9; ISSN : 2352-5401 Publication date : 24/12/2018

[9] Vanlalchaka, R.H; Maity, N.P.; “Power Efficient 8421 Code to Excess-3 Code Converter: A new Circuit Designed Approach” Int. Conf. In Recent Trends on Electronics & Computer Science ( ICRTECS-2019), 18th -19th March 2019. ( The paper was already accepted and to be publised in the conference proceedings besides its extended version will be publised in SCI/SCOPUS journals )

[1] “Power Efficient Odd Parity Generation & Checker Circuits” in 2013, 1st Int. Conf. on Emerging Trends and Appl.In Cmp Sci. ICTACS-2013 in Shillong, Meghalaya. Technically Sponsored by IEEE Calcutta section.

[2] “Acetycholine Gate Spiking Nuron Model” In North Eastern Region Science Congress (11th -13th March 2013) Organised by NIT Arunachal Pradesh & Indian Science Congress.

[3] “Power Efficient Adiabatic Gray to Binary & Binary to Gray Code Converter Circuits”

In North Eastern Region Science Congress( 11th -13th March 2013) Organised by NIT     Arunachal Pradesh & Indian Science Congress.

[4]“Correlation analysis between drowsiness and HRV parameters” in the Mizoram Science Congress 2018. Ntl.Conf, held at Pachhunga University College, 4th -5th October, 2018.

[5] “One day National workshop on Electronics Device” Organised by Deptt. Of Electronics & Communication Engineering, MZU & IEEE-EDS Calcutta section on 7th April 2011 at Mizoram University.

[6] “A three day National Workshop entitled Advances in Electronics, Communication & Information Technology (AECI-2011)” held at Mizoram University on 23th -27th March 2011. Under the auspices of IEEE National distinguished Lecture Programme, Calcutta section, RPE, University of Calcutta.

[7] Two Days Workshop on Digsilent Power Factory (TVASTAR Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd. Haryana) Organised by Dep’t. Of Electrical Engineering, MZU on 01th to 02th 2015.

This page was updated on 16th  May 2021

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