Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Mrs Parijat Kumar

Mrs Parijat Kumar

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics


  • MSc (Mathematics)
  • B.Ed.


  • Real Analysis, Algebra and Advanced Calculus


  • Date of Joining this College : 1997
  • Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College till date.


  • Mobile : 9774140717
  • Email:

Orientations and Refreshers Courses Attended : 

Sl. No. Title of programme Organized by Duration
1 Orientation Program University of Calcutta 14.12.2000 - 12.01.2001
2 Refreshers Course in Mathematics University of Calcutta 10.12.2003 - 31.12.2003
3 Refreshers Course in Mathematics University of Kalyani 16.02.2004 - 9.03.2004
4 Refreshers Course in Mathematics University of Calcutta 7.09.2007 – 27.09.2007

Professional Faculty Development programme (FDP), Seminars/Workshops, Short term course attended in the last ten years. (Upto December 2020)

Sl. No. Title of programme Organized by Duration
1 Celebration of National Education Day - 2020

GZRS College,


11th November, 2020

Seminar on ‘Women in Science’

National Science Day Celebration- 2020

GZRS College,


28th February, 2020
3 National Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights

GZRS College,

Aizawl & MISTIC

5th November, 2020

Faculty Development Programme on


GZRS College,


30th July – 4th August, 2020
5 International W/S on Tectonic and its implications to Indo-Burma Range

GZRS College,


17 – 18th January, 2020
6 Workshop on NAAC Awareness Programme

GZRS College,


25th Sept., 2019
7 National Science Day Celebration- 2017

GZRS College,


28th February, 2017

Workshop on Financial Management &

Digital Teaching Methods

GZRS College,


5th – 12th April, 2017
9 Sensitization Programme on ‘Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)’

GZRS College,


29th January, 2016
10 Framework of Quality Management in Higher Education : The Mizoram Context Mizoram College Teachers’ Assocn. 9th December, 2014
11 Seminar on Effective Teaching Strategy IQAC, GZRS College, Aizawl 23rd January, 2013
12 Problems and Opportunities in Higher Education/ Prof. Code of Ethics of Teachers Mizoram College Teachers’ Assocn. 27th November, 2012
13 National Conference on Mathematical Sciences P. U. College, Aizawl 24-25th November, 2011
14 Workshop on Computational Information Processing I.S.I. Kolkata & GZRS College, Azl 10-12th November, 2010

Membership of Academic Committees                                             Duration

1. Board of Studies (BOS) in Mathematics, Mizoram University                  2015 - 2018

2. Moderation Board in Mathematics, Mizoram University              2008 – 2017,   2020 -2022

This page was updated on 30th October 2021

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022