Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Designation Associate Professor misingh
Qualifications M.Sc.
Specializations Electronics
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Joining 14th September 1992

Research Project

UGC – Sponsored Minor Research Project on “ Investigation on luminescence  characteristics of bulk and nanocrystalline Y2O3 doped with Ln3+ ( Lanthanide) ions”.


A.   Orientation and Refresher Course:

1.UGC - Sponsored Refresher Course in Physics From 23 December 1996 to 19. January.1997, Academic Staff College,Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

2.UGC - Sponsored Refresher Course in Physics From 28 October 1998 to 17 November 1998, Academic Staff Collge, Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi.

3.UGC - Sponsored Refresher Course in Physics From 24 January 2001 to 13 February 2001, Academic Staff College , The University of Burdwan , Burdwan.

4.UGC - Sponsored Refresher Course in Home Science From 8th to 29th October 2001, Directorate of Higher And Technical Education,Govt. Of Mizoram, Aizawl.


B.   Conference/Symposium/Seminar/Workshop/Training.

1.Participated in the State Level Seminar on “Problems & Opportunities in Higher Education and Higher education Vision” and “ Professional Code of Ethics for Teachers” organised by Mizoram College Teachers” Asoociation on 27th November 2012.

2.Attended a one Day training programme on “Effective Teaching Strategy” organised by IQAC, Govt.Zirtiri Res.Sc.College on 23rd January 2013.

3.Participated in the Panel Discussion on Fostering Scientific Temper on the occasion of National Science day 2014 Celebration,held on 28th February GZRSC,supported by Dept of Science and Technology ,Govt of India.

4.Attended the Symposium on” Research innovation and Popularisation” held on 17 Oct 2014, organised by Research Committee,Govt Zirtiri Res Sc College.

5.Participated in Badminton team in the XXIX Inter-Depertmental sports -2016 organised by Mizoram Sports & Cultural Association.

6.Participated in National Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to make Oral Presentation on Luminescence Study of Y2O3: Eu( Europium) Nanoparticles, held on 8-9 September 2016,Dept of Nanotechnology,NEHU,Shillong.

7.Participated in Consumer awareness Programme held on 22nd February 2017,Organised by IQAC,GZRSC and Bureau of Indian Standard.

8.Participated in “ One Day Workshop on NAAC Awareness Programme held on 25 Sept 2019,organised by IQAC and Research & Seminar Committee,GZRSC.

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022