Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

A- A A+

The composition of IQAC is formed as per the guideline of the latest AQAR which is given below:

a) Chairman : Prof. B. Zoliana, Principal & Head of Institution

b) Teachers to represent at all levels
    i) Lalrinsangi Nghinglova, Co-ordinator
    ii) Dr. Lawrence Zonunmawia Chhangte, Assistant Co-ordinator
    iii) M.S. Dawngliani, Assistant Co-ordinator
    iv) Lalsangkimi Hmar, Member
    v) Dr. Lalzahawmi Chenkual, Member
    vi) Dr. Lalhmingliana Hnamte, Member

c) One member from Management : Prof. Lalnundanga, Registrar, Mizoram University

d) Few Senior Administrative Officers
    i) Dr. R. Lalengmawia, RUSA Institutional Co-ordinator & Examination Committee Member
    ii) H. Thangkhanhau, Webmaster

e) One nominee each from local society, students and alumni
    i) Pu J.H. Zoremthanga, Secretary, Mizoram Scholarship Board by virtue of high social standing and contribution towards education
    ii) Students: Vice President / General Secretary of the Students Union by virtue of office
    iii) Alumni: President / General Secretary of Alumni Association by virtue of office

f) One nominee each from employers / industrialists / stakeholders
    i) Employers : QAC Co-ordinator, Higher & Technical Education, Govt. of Mizoram.
    ii) Industrialists: Zothankimi, Director, Zonun Matply Pvt. Ltd.
    iii) Stakeholder: Zonunthari m/o Gabriel Shanplang, Student of B.Sc


IQAC Member Order 7th September 2020 can be found here.

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022