Last Updated : 9th October 2024 GMT 4:21 AM

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Language Laboratory at Government Zirtiri Residential Science College

The English Language teaching situation in Mizoram has remained largely unsatisfactory even after decades of introducing the language in formal education. Hence the language laboratory has been introduced as a teaching aid to achieve pedagogical breakthrough and to address language barriers caused by Various factors such as the geographical isolation of the region, the dominance of the Mizo language, and the high proportion of students from rural areas with primary and secondary education in Mizo medium .Under equity initiatives of RUSA 24 colleges of Mizoram were equipped with language laboratories, the first being launched at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College.

On 3rd June 2016 the then Hon’ble Minister, Human Resource Development (MHRD) Smt Smriti Zubi Irani inaugurated the language laboratory via Video Conferencing from New Delhi where she interacted with students of the college. The event was joined by dignitaries such as Mr. Lalsawta, Finance Minister, Commissioner and Secretary H&TE Department, Member secretary State Higher Education Council, AMC Councilor as well as local councils, officials of concerned departments, Principal a, teachers and students

In introducing the language laboratory at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science college it is expected  that it will improve the communicative skills of our students which will, in turn, result in improved academic performance. The College also seeks to better equip the students with various language skills required by them as they move out of the state to pursue higher education and better career options. The Laboratory is primarily manned by the Department of English.

The college has opted for Sanako lab software and initially our courses will begin with the teaching of English language. Hindi and other foreign languages will be added at a later stage. A certificate course in spoken English is also being designed for future implementation. At present the language laboratory is used to impart Knowledge on oral communication skills and provide hands-on training to students on how to speak English correctly and fluently. It is also utilized to fulfill the requirement of their course in the first semester which includes Oral Communication skills.(Unit 5)


  • A language lab creates a learning environment much more effective than traditional classrooms enhancing the capabilities of students and allowing a high degree of immersion and attention to diversity.
  • A language laboratory encourages the participation of students.
  • The use of the language lab allows students to have access to the information quickly and easily developing many types of classroom exercises, personalizing the learning process, encouraging creativity, innovation and training
  • Language laboratories also favor a high degree of skill development, team and collaborative work








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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022