Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Mathematics Questions

Course CodeName of SubjectsTypeQuestions

First Semester

MATH111 Calculus Theory Download Here

Second Semester

MATH121 Algebra Theory Download Here

Third Semester

MATH231 Differential Equations Theory Download Here

Fourth Semester

MATH241 Vector Calculus and Solid Geometry Theory Download Here

Fifth Semester

MATH351 Computer Oriented Numerical Analysis Theory Download Here
MATH352 Real Analysis Theory Download Here
MATH353 Complex Analysis Theory Download Here
MATH354 (Any one from below)
MATH354A Operations Research Theory Download Here
MATH354B Probability Theory Theory Download Here
MATH354C Real Number Systems Theory Download Here

Sixth Semester

MATH361 Modern Algebra Theory Download Here
MATH362 Advanced Calculus Theory Download Here
MATH363 Mechanics Theory Download Here
MATH364 (Any one from below)
MATH364A Computer Programming in C Theory Download Here
MATH364B Computer Programming in FORTRAN Theory Download Here
MATH364C Astronomy Theory Download Here


For Students

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022