Mentoring System
7.3 Best Practices
1.Title of the practice: Mentoring System
i)To provide more contact hours between teachers and students.
ii)To maintain proper academic and attendance records of students.
iii)To minimize drop-out rates among students.
Iv) To identify slow learners and advanced learners.
3.The context
The institute has followed the suggestion made by the QAC cum CDO, Higher &Technical education to introduce the mentoring system. The institute felt the importance of integrating such a system into the college management system. It had promptly and effectively put it into practice in the past two years. With a wide variation in the student population with regard to educational and economic background, the system promises to provide a better understanding of individual students and bring out their highest potential. It also appears to be the most effective method/weapon for mitigating cases of drop-out students.
4.The Practice
The IQAC had taken the initiative to implement this system. Every year the names of all students are collected and arranged according to their subject choice. They are divided into groups of 10-15 students depending on the number of students. Each group is assigned a teacher/mentor who is responsible for collecting academic performance and class attendance of individual students. The teacher/mentor is given necessary information regarding his/her mentees and is expected to offer guidance and counseling as and when required. In isolated cases, parents are called for special meetings with the Principal at the suggestion of the mentor.
5.Evidence of success
Though the system has only been implemented in the last few years, significant improvement in the teacher-student relationship can be seen.
The system has been useful in identifying slow learners and advanced learners. Based on the requirement deduced through a careful examination of each mentor’s report, the institute organizes a remedial class on different subjects within the syllabus for poor/slow learners.
The remedial classes have become systematized after the implementation of this system. NEED-BASED remedial classes have proved to be beneficial to the students in particular and the entire college in general.
There appears to be a lesser number of drop-outs since mentors can intervene before a student falls short of attendance or has been regularly abstaining from classes.
6. Problems encountered and resources required
The division of students into group proves to be a tedious exercise with some students opting for other courses now and then. Due to time constraints, the teacher /mentor is unable to have sufficient time with the mentees Most of our students are reserved and some are too complacent to come out with their problems thus limiting the mentors' capacity to render help.
The system does not incur much expenditure. It only requires the utmost commitment from a teacher/mentor.
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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022