Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Dr. R. Lalengmawia, Head of Department

Designation Associate Professor & HOD Dr. R. Lalengmawia
Qualifications MSc(Botany), PhD(Forestry)
Specializations Forest Ecology, Biodiversity Monitoring
Experiences 23 Years
Date of Joining this college June 1, 2000

List of Publication(s)

  1. Common herbs and shrubs of Mizoram. GZRSC Publication, Aizawl
  2. Dictionary of Science. STAM Publication, Aizawl
  3. Impact of different light intensities and moisture levels on growth performance some orchids. Indian J. Trop. Biodiversity Vol.16(1)
  4. Orchids: A Review. Indian J. Trop. Biodiversity Vol.16(2)
  5. Documentation of common herbs and shrubs of Mizoram”

Conference / Symposium / Seminar / Workshop

  1. Short term course on Computer Basics : IQAC, GZRSC, Dt. 5 - 16 March, 2012
  2. Seminar on “Problems and Opportunities in Higher Education and Higher Education Vision” and ‘Professional Code of Ethics for Teachers: MCTA. Dt.27th Nov. 2012
  3. 20th National Children’s Science Congress Venue: BHU, Varanasi, 27- 31 Dec. 2012 as State Coordinator
  4. 'Effective Teaching Strategy’: IQAC-GZRSC. Dt.23rd Jan. 2013

R&D Project received : 1(One)

  • Funding Agency: Grant received from MSSC, Planning Dept., Govt. of Mizoram
  • Period: 1 year (2012)
  • Amount: Rs. 1.0 lakh
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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022