Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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The following activities have been carried out by the career counseling and placement:


            For the first time in history of our college the career counseling and placement cell in collaboration with a local computer firm Mizosoft skills organized a Campus Recruitment exam for the BCA students. The exam was held at the college Campus on 6th may 2010-and out of the serveral students who took the exam 5(five) students were chosen. They are expected to join their work as soon as their final year results are published by the university.


            Since the college offers three graduation courses i.e Science, Home Science and Computer Science it is necessary to have at least three career councelling programmes for the different streams.

  1. a)Career counselling for Home science students: The Home science Department is the oldest department of the college. In fact, our college is the only college in the entire state of Mizoram to offer a graduation course in Home Science. In collaboration with the cell, Coaching for Entiry into services, a career counselling programme for the home science students was organised in 13th July 2010 to educate the 70 odd students of home science on their career options as well as guide them for further students. Eminent person from various fielsd were invited as resource person such as:
    1. Ms Lucy Sailo: A leading fashoin designer of the state who in the past, was able to bring to Mizoram the likes of Miss India, Suzanne Sablock and other international models like Shymolee Verma, Zarine Lord and Ahuja to walk the ramp for her Fashion School titled ‘First Born’. She completed Fashion and Textile Technology from Sophiya Polytechnic, Bombay and has been organizing fashion show throughout the length and breadth of the country. She opened Lucy’s school Fashion designing in 2002 and has been imparting her skills and knowledge to the talented young of the state. We were fortunate to have haer as a resource person.
    2. Mrs Zodingpuii: An alumni of the college, she passed Bsc(Home Science) from this college in the year 1989. She joined Mizoram Civil service in 1992 and has been serving the Government as an NCS officer every since. At present she is the Deputy secratery in the Department of Soil and Water conservation, Serculture etc. She gave a talk on how to enter different services and share her experiences as an MCS officer. Athis was followed by a lively discussion and reflection. The students were particularly interested in how she joined the service-her method od preperation, facing interviewa and so om. Her very presence was an insperation for the students because like them, she was once a Home Science student of this college. The purpose of inviting an alumni as a resource centre is in keeping with the UGC guidline.
    3. Mrs Zosangliani: An employee of theHorticulture Department, she has created a name for herself in the field of flower arrangement which has now become a very lucrative job in Mizoram. She began with an introduction of the various ways in which one can arrange flowers, giving students useful tips on the Do’s and Don’ts of flower arrangement. The student greatly benefits from her session as flower arrangement is a part of their syllabus.

Mrs Lalsangliani Khawlhring, Head of Department of Home Science gave an overview of the career prospects for Home science students and guidance on their further studies.

  1. b)Career Counselling of Department of Computer Science: On 10th August 2010 a career was organized for the students and gave them guidance of computer science. The following resource persons gave very informative lecturers:
    1. Mr Lalhmachhuana DGM, BSNL: Having joined The Indian Telecom Services(ITS), he is one of the first Mizos to reach an important position in the Telecom service. He gave a well preapared presentation on the workings of the Telecom service and highlited the various internet faciliteis offered by BSNL, the leading telecom service all over the country. His presentation was followed by an interaction with the students. The students had many queries regarding the jobs available for BCA students in the telecom services. The resource person spoke on the job prospects and also provided them with necessary guidance for job application in telecom services.
    2. Popularly known as Sir Sena by the students,he prepared and gave a very detailed and informative presentation,starting from the importance of computer science,and moving on to the various institutes where the student can continue futher studies and finally gave an interview of job apportunities available for students of computer science.The students greatly benefitted from his lecture.In addition to his lecture Mr Lalhruaitluanga prepared a very useful book titled “Academic Hand book of Mizoram after 10+2” which was published by the career counselling cell.A detailed review of the book is given in the latter section of the report.
  2. c)Career councelling for Science students: On 26th August2010 a career guidence class was held for the science student of oour college. The resource persons invited for this counselling consisted of eminent officers such as:
    1. i)Lalramthanga IFS: A very dedicated officer who is deeply concerned with the affairs of students gave a very informative and interesting Lecture on how to enter the Indian Forest Service. His lecture proved to be very beneficial for oour students whose subject combination offers them many job opportunities in the forest services both at the state and the central level.
    2. ii) He is an IAS officer who is presently serving the Government of Mizoram as the Director of ATI (Admistrative Training Institude). He is also an ex-student of some os our lectures prior to the transition of our college into a purely science college. Recollecting his past experiences as a student of some of our Lecturers, he gave a very instresting lecture on how the students can prepare themselves to enter into civil services.
  3. d)Career counselling for all student: On the 27th August 2010 Col. John Zama Director Sainik welfare & Resettlement gave a very challenging presentation on entry into the Indian Army. He gave a very well prepared lecture and inspired the student as well as the lectures towards patriotism ans instilled a sense of National integrity. The Career counselling and the coaching for entry into Services has made an arrangement with the Sainik welfare deptt to encourage and assist our students enter the Indian Army.


            On 10th November 2010 an academic handbook published by the Career counselling and Placement cell and authored by Sir Lalhruaitluanga Lectureu BCA, GZRSC was released by Mr Lalthanzara, Parliamentary Secratery at the inaugural function of the 10th North East workshop on computational information Processing which was joinly organised by Zirtiri college and ISI Kolkata. The book seeks to address the silemma faced by the students after they have passed their Higher Secondary exams. It offers them choices and chances in their pursuit of higher education and ultimately in their career choices.

            The Cell also sponsored a career counselling camp at Lallen during 7-16th December 2010. It finally winded up its activitied from feb 2011 due to the upcoming university examinations.                                   



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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
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