Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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PLACEMENT CELL (2011-2012)

1.         PANEL DISCUSSION : Two sessions of PANEL DISCUSSION were organized on the topics – “Issues relating to women” and “Career options for Students.” In the first session we had invited three eminent resource persons for panel discussion on issues relating to women. The first panelist was Dr.T.Vanlaltlani Associate Professor of Aizawl Theological College who spoke on the participation of women in politics and also on the role of Mizo women in the church. The second panel list was Ms Angela Ch.Ralte, a social activist whoacquainted the students on the concept of HumanRights Vis-à-vis Women`s Rights. The third panelist Ms Gracie Bawihtlung, a judicial magistrate spoke on the legal provisions relating to women. A lively question hour followed where students and lecturers raised questions on the topics introduced by the panel members.

The second session was hosted by Dr. Cherrie Lalnunziri, Asst Professorat MZU. The panel members included eminent journalists and sports columnist such as Mr.R.K.Lianzuala, Mr.Vanneihtluaga and Mr.Lalnghinglova Hmar all of whom are popular faces and names on Local television and newspapers. Their discussion on the topic “career options for Students” was unconventional thought provoking, refreshing and stimulating for the students. Their topics covered career options in mass media, sports and private entrepreneurship thus offering the student a widerange of career options. The host finally concluded the discussion by highlighting the opportunities available in higher studies and research. All in all the discussion left an indelible impression upon the students and the lecturers.

2.       SEMINAR ON BANKING SERVICE: On the 23rd march 2012 a one day seminar was organized on the topic “Entry into Banking services.” In the first session, Mr. Lalthuama ex AGM, SBI & Business facilitator spoke on the various opportunities available in banking services.In the second session Miss. Mimi Lalthianghlimi, Manager, NEDFI, Aizawl Branch enlightened the student on the various opportunities available under their corporation.She also spoke on their importance of private entrepreneurship and gave the students necessary information on how to start private business.She also presented the students with a handbook on how to start private business.

3.         ENTRY INTO INDIAN AIR FORCE: Two separate sessions of career awareness programme were organized to motivate our students to enter the Indian Air force. In both these occasions, Air force personnel visited our college to make our students aware of the opportunities offered by the Indian Air Force and guide them on ways to enter the force.

            Lastly the cell is pleased to report that in the previous year Campus recruitment programmes were organized for the BCA students in collaboration with local computers firms through which many of our students found placements. The placement cell is also proud to report that our final years BCA student Lalrengpuia has recently been recruited by TATA Consultancy Services(TCS). The Cell is devoted to the well-being of our students and is always on the look out for opportunities that can be availed of by our students.

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022