Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Personality Development:

'Personality Development is a continuous process and the evolution of an individual's personality is linked to his person and professional growth. It is often multi-faceted, and individuals display different personalities at different places and in different phases of their life.'

         During 26th May - 6th June 2015, the third batch of final year students underwent a short term course on Personality Development. This programme was introduced in 2013 to provide necessary life skills to the outgoing students of all streams. The course is jointly organised by Career counselling & Placement Cell and Coaching for Entry into Services under the supervision of the IQAC. The course, having met with an overwhelming response from the students, has been continued since it was introduced two years ago. The course aims at imparting knowledge and skills that will benefit our students as they pursue higher studies and look for jobs. This year we had 144 students registering for the course out of which about 90 students attended. The absentees were mainly students who had gone back to their home-towns after completing their university examinations.

         The first day opened with a crash course on spoken Hindi, a language which is gaining importance throughout the country .In the short time that was allotted to her, Mrs. Rebecca Lalhmangaihi, Associate professor, GAC taught the students the basics of spoken Hindi. This course was added since last year as proposed by the first batch of students in their Feedback form.

           On the second day, Dr.Lalbiakdiki Hnamte, Associate Professor, Mizoram was invited to give a lecture on Motivation and Goal-Setting. The students responded well to the course. Her discourse, though not completely academic, proved to be inspiring as well as enjoyable to the students. In the afternoon session a well known free-lance journalist and T.V Presenter Mr.Sangzela Tlau provided important tips on travelling outside Mizoram. This, in fact, is the third time Mr.Sangzela was invited for our programme and students have been enjoying their sessions with him.

             The third day opened with a hands-on trainning programme on social skills with special emphasis on dinning skills which was presented by Mrs.Lalthanpuii Ralte Associate Professsor of our college. As in the previous years, this session was thoroughly enjoyed by the students. This was followed by an interactive session with Mr.K.L.Liana, MJS which was entitled 'Coffee with K.L Liana. This session was interactive, educative and interesting. The resource person answered many questions on legal issues. The day ended with a photo-session with Mr.K.L Liana, admired and idolised by many of the students.

          On the fourth day, experts from SCERT namely, Mrs.Zozikpuii and Mrs.Vanlalruati were invited for a discussion on Reproductive Health and Mental health respective. The Organisers have always felt that students need to be enlightened on knowledge regarding reproductive health. The present age has seen many youth who have been afflicted with stress and depression, sometimes even leading to suicide. Hence, mental health is of great importance to students who are to face different challenges of the modern era. The sessions proved to be extremely beneficial to the students.

          The fifth day met with an astounding response from the students. Communicative Skills and Interview Skills was imparted to the students by Mrs.Rinthanpuii, who had worked as a trainer at Infosys and also in Taiwan in the past years. She has been lending her expertise for the past three years and from the feedback of the students, her sessions were thoroughly enjoyable and relevant.

          On the final day of the course, the session began with a well-prepared presentation on the topic 'Personal Grooming and Time Management', powerfully delivered by Mrs.Lalmalsawmi Chhangte Associate professor of our college. In the next session, students were divided according to their stream and given career counselling by Mrs.Lalhmingliani Hlondo for Home Science, Mr.Lalhruaitluanga for BCA, and Mr.C.Zoramthara for Science. The two sessions were followed by the closing programme where the Principal, Mr.Laltanpuia distributed Certificates and delivered a motivational speech to the 90 odd students who attended the course. He also thanked the organizers, Mrs.Zodinpuii, Mrs.Lalrisnsangi Nghinglova and

Mrs.M.S Dawngliani. In turn, the organizers thanked the Principal and the administrative staff for their endless support in organising the course. Inspite of some shortcomings the entire course met with a great success and the students were extremely satified, as learnt from their speeches and feedback.

          The next three days ,i.e upto 6th June 2015 were utilised for delivering lectures for students who registered for the Course on Computer Concept(CCC) organised by the same cells and spearheaded by the Department of Computer Science under the able guidance of their Head of Department, Mrs.M.S Dawngliani. The teaching faculty of BCA have been rendering their services since the course was initiated as an add-on course for the outgoing Science and Home Science students. The course for this year had stared in February and classes were held after college hours and the course was completed in tis three days .CCC was introduced in the college in 2013 and has been continuing since then. It is organised in collaboration with NIELIT which gives certificate to successful students who sit for examination after the end of their course. Such students will earn an additional certificate besides their degree certificate which will prove to be very useful in job-hunting.

          The college intends to continue with this two course, especially with Personality Development Programme which has been included as one of the Best Practices of the institute. It is the ultimate aim of the college to provide some kind of holistic development to our students and make them educated and employable, to enable them to finally realise the our ultimate goal ‘Lighted to Lighten’.

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022