Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Mary Lalthansangi

Mary Lalthansangi

Associate Professor

Department of Botany


  • MSc (Botany)


  • Plant Biotechnology


  • Date of entry into service: 7.10.1997
  • Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College 2 till date.


  • Mobile : +91 9436152791
  • Email: mary7This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Orientation and Refresher Courses attended

1. UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Biotechnology held during 9th April to 4th May 2001

by Academic Staff College, Jawaharlal Nehru University

2. UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme held from 14th June to 10th July 2004 by Academic Staff College, Himachal Pradesh University

3. UGC Sponsored Refresher Course held from 26th February to 18th March 2010 by Academic Staff College, North East Hill University

4. UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Environmental Science held during 26th July to 17th August 2010 by Academic Staff College, Mizoram University

Conference/ Symposium/ Seminar attended

1. Sensitization Programme on CBCS on 29th January 2016 organized by Seminar Organizing Committee, GZRSC

2. Sensitization Programme on NAAC Accreditation Process on 16th February 2016 organized by IQAC, GZRSC

3. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Tools and Methods held on 12th March 2016 organized by Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility and Department of Biotechnology, MZU sponsored by DBT, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi

4.One day seminar on Legal Awareness on 13th October 2016 organized Seminar organizing Committee, GZRSC and sponsored by Mizoram State Legal Service Authority

5. Consumer Awareness Programme held on 22nd February 2017 organized by IQAC, GZRSC and Bureau of Indian standards

6. Seminar on National Science day on 28th February 2017 organized by Research and Seminar Committee, MISTIC catalyzed and supported by NCSTC, DST, New Delhi

7. Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights and Grassroots Innovation on 24th March 2017 organized by IPR Cell, GZRSC and Patent Information Center, MISTIC, DST, Govt. of Mizoram

8. Trainer’s Training Programme for Enhancing Equity and Inclusion held from 16th – 22nd August 2017 organized by Website Committee with Centre for Social Research, New Delhi

9. State Level Workshop on Financial Management and Digital Teaching Methods held from 5th – 12th April 2017

10. Research Motivation held on 24th August 2018 organized by Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC

11. Hands-on Training on Molecular Research Technique held during 31st May – 6th June 2018 organized by DBT-Institutional Biotech Hub GZRSC and Research and Seminar Committee GZRSC in collaboration with State DBT-Biotech Hub, MZU

12. Seminar on Seminar on Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future on 28th February 2018 organized by the Innovation Club GZRSC and Institutional Biotech Hub GZRSC sponsored by NCSTC, DST New Delhi

13. Outreach Programme held on 31st January 2019 organized by Indian Statistical Institute North East Centre and Dept of Mathematics GZRSC

14. National Level Short Course Training on Research Methodology held from 12th -17th August 2019 organized by IQAC and Research and Seminar Committee GZRSC in collaboration with Dept of Psychology MZU

15. Observance of World Ozone Day 2019 cum Debate on Ozone Healing held on 16th September 2019 organized by Eco Club GZRSC and Mizoram State Pollution Control Board

16. One day workshop on NAAC awareness Programme held on 25th September 2019 organized by IQAC and Research and Seminar Committee GZRSC

17. State Level Workshop on Copyright held on 16th October 2019 organized by IPR committee and MISTIC DST Govt of Mizoram

18. State Level Workshop on Plagiarism held on 17th October 2019 organized by IPR committee and MISTIC DST Govt of Mizoram

19. International Conference on Recent Advances in Animal Sciences held from 6th – 8th November 2019 organized by Dept of Zoology PUC , Mizo Academy of Sciences, MZU and Govt of Mizoram

20. International Workshop on Tectonic and its Implication with special reference to Indo-Burma Range held from 17th -18th January 2020 organized by Research and Seminar Committee and Dept of Geology GZRSC

21. International Faculty Development Program on Biological Sciences held from 25th – 31st May 2020 organized by PG and Research Department of Botany Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Pollachi

22. International Webinar on Current and Future Challenges in Biotechnology Research held from 24th – 26th June 2020 organized by Dept of Biotechnology, PUC and MZU

23. National Webinar on Recent Advances in Biosciences held on 28th June 2020 organized by Dept of Zoology and Biotechnology and IQAC Smt Kasturbai Walchand College, Sangli

24. 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on E- Teaching held from 30th July - 4th   August 2020 organized by Research and Seminar Committee GZRSC

25. Faculty Development Programme on Moodle Learning Management System held from 24th - 28th September 2020 organized by Spoken Tutorial Project , IIT Bombay funded by ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India

26. International Webinar on Overseas Education Career N’ Options held on 2nd March 2021 organized by IMG, United Kingdom and Dept of Zoology GZRSC

27. Webinar on Using Mathematical Models to Understand Epidemics held on 19th May 2021 organized by Dept of Zoology MZU

28. Webinar on Biodiversity Conservation held on 22nd May 2021 organized by Eco Club GZRSC, Mizoram ENVIS HUB and Mizoram Pollution Control Board

29. GZRSC MIS Release cum Training Program held on 31st May 2021 organized by IQAC GZRSC

30. International Webinar on COVID19 : Disruption of Life Process Impacting Mental Health held on 3rd June 2021 organized by Dept of Clinical Psychology MZU

31. International Webinar on Improving Livelihood and addressing Climate Change through Community Based Natural Resource Management held on 11th June 2021 organized by MZU and University of Minnesota USA


1. Member Mizo Academy of Sciences

2. Member Mizoram Science Society

3. Member Moderation Board, Department of Botany, Mizoram University

4. Member Mizoram College Teachers Association, GZRSC

This page was updated on 28th October 2021

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022