Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Lalrinngheti Ralte

Lalrinngheti Ralte

Associate Professor & Head of Department

Department of Home Science


  • M.A. (Home Science)


  • Extension Education


  • Year of Joining: 14.8.1987
  • Associate Professor, Department of Home Science, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College  till date.


  • Mobile : +91 9436159575 / 6909515423
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Orientation coarse /Refresher courses attended:

1) Orientation Course sponsored by NEHU 2, organised by Academic Staff College held from

   26th August to 20th Sept 1991

2) UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Home Science, organised by Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women-Deemed University, Coimbatore

   13/11/1996- 10/12/1996

3) UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Home Science, organised by Department of Social Work, MZU

   19th Feb-11th March 2005

4) UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Social Sciences, organised by UGC Refresher Course Centre MZU 3rd March- 23rd March 2006

Conferences/workshops/FDPS attended:

1. Effective Teaching Strategy, organised by IQAC, GZRSC on 23rd January 2013

2. Symposium on ‘Research Innovation and Popularization’ organised by Research Committee GZRSC on 17th October 2014

3. Consumer awareness programme, organised by IQAC, GZRSC and Bureau of Indian Standards on 22nd February 2017

4. Workshop on Mental Health and Personality Development, organized by Department of Home Science GZRSC on 12th July 2017

5. Seminar on National Science Day, organised by Research & Seminar Committee, GZRSC and Mizoram Science, Technology and Innovation Council, on 28th February 2017

6. Workshop on ‘Financial Management & Digital Teaching Methods’ organised by Website Committee & Innovation Club, GZRSC on 5th -12th April 2017

7. Seminar on ‘Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future’ organised by Innovation Club, GZRSC & Institutional Biotech Hub, GZRSC on 28th Feb 2018

8. Training on ‘Fabric Stencilling’ Organised by Village and School Adoption Committee, GZRSC on 31st August 2018

9. National Level Short Course Training on Research Methodology organised by Research & Seminar Committee and IQAC, GZRSC in collaboration with Dept. of Psychology, MZU on 12th -17th August 2019

10.Workshop on NAAC Awareness Programme organised by IQAC and Research & Seminar Committee, GZRSC on 25th September 2019

11.Professorial Lectures organised by Theological Education Board of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod on 3rd October 2019

12. State Level Workshop on Plagiarism organised by IPR Committee, GZRSC and MISTIC Dept of Science and Technology Govt. of Mizoram on 17th October 2019

13. International Workshop on Tectonic and its implications with special reference to Indo-Burma Range organised by MISTIC, Directorate of Science and Technology, dept of Higher Education Govt. of Mizoram 0n 17th-18th January 2020

14. 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on E-Teaching organised by R&SC and IQAC on 30th July 2-4th August 2020.

15. 5 days Faculty Development Programme for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff organised by IQAC and Research and Seminar Committee GZRSC on 5th -6th April 2021

16. Revised NAAC Accreditation Framework Perceptions organised by GTN Arts College on 12th -15th May 2021.

17. Workshop on E-Contact creation and ICT Tools for Innovative Teaching and Learning, organised by the Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, Nehru Institute of Technology on 14th -15th May 2021.

18. 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on E-Teaching organised by R&SC and IQAC on 30th July 2-4th August 2020.

Webinar attended:

1. Managing Emotions and self-care in times of Uncertainty organised by Dept. of Clinical Psychology MZU on 30th June 2020.

2.Impact of Covid-19 on Teaching Learning Process: Challenges and Solutions organised by Rajendra Academy for Teachers’ Education on 30th June 2020.

3. Science and Technology: Mitigating Current Challenges organised by Dept of Botany, Serchhip College Mizoram on 7th-11th September 2020.

4. Promoting Mizo Literature and its significance organised by Dept. of Mizo Department Govt. Hnahthial College on 9th -13th October 2020

5. Mental Health for all: Greater investment- Greater access organised by Dept. of Clinical Psychology/ MZU on 10th December 2020 World Mental Health Day 2020.

6. Women Empowerment organised by Women’s Cell and IQAC of Bhai Kishanrao Deshmukh Mahavidyalaya, Chakur Dist. Latur on 23rd April 2021

7. New Education Policy 2020 and Management of Education organised by Dept. of Management MZU on 20th May 2021.

8. The Science of Learning organised by Dept of Physics, Dept of Electronics, Dept of Commerce MZU on 25th May 2021

9. Improving Livelihoods and addressing Climate Change through Community Based Natural Resource Managements: Experience from Guatemala and Research Opportunities for NE India organised by MZU in collaboration with University of Minnesota, USA on 11th June 2021

10.Living and coping with Covid- life Balance organised by Centre for Disaster Management MZU with MCTA & Dept of Psychology PUC on 11th June 2021.

11. The Evolution of the International Peace Architecture organised by Dept of Political Science MZU on 11th June 2021.

12. Effective use of E-Resources organised by Dept of Library and IQAC Yeshwantarao Chavan College Ambajogai on 12th August 2021.

13. Shadow Pandemic- Domestic violence in the wake of Covid-19 organised by PG&R Research Department of Social Work in 7th September 2021.

14. National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Managing Online Classes” orgnised by IQAC with Dept of B. Com on 9th September 2021

15.National Seminar on Mental Health in an Unequal World organised by Dept of Clinical Psychology MZU on 8th October 2021.

16. International Webinar on Bharat Nutrition week 2021 organised by College of Home Science, Swami Kashwanand Rajasthan Agriculture University, Rajasthan on 7th Sept 2021

Member College level:

1) Member, Decoration and Hall arrangement Committee

2) Member, Village and School adoption Committee

3) Member, Spiritual counselling cell and Evangelical union cell

4) Member, Socio-cultural and debating Committee

5) Treasurer, College Hostel Management

This page was updated on 27th October 2021

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022