Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Associate Professor

Department of Home Science


  • MSc (Home Science)


  • Family Resource Management


  • Year of Joining: May 13, 1998
  • Associate Professor, Department of Home Science, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College  till date.


  • Mobile : +91 9436154573
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Orientation/ refresher courses attended:

1. UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Home Science organized by Directorate

2. UGC sponsored Orientation Programme organized by ASC, Himachal Pradesh University, on 14th June -10th July 2004

3. UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Home Science conducted by Department of Social work, MZU on 19th February – 11th March 2005

4. UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Social Sciences conducted by UGC Refresher Course Centre, MZU on 3rd -23rd March 2006

Conferences/workshops/seminars/FDPs attended:

1. Faculty enrichment on service matter etc., organized by IQAC, GZRSC on 24th August 2011

2. UGC sponsored short -term course on Disaster Management from 19th -23rd

September 2011 organized by MZU.

3. Short term course on Computer Basics as part of Faculty Development Programme organized by IQAC, GZRSC from 5th to 16th March 2012.

4. Symposium on Research Innovation and Popularization organized by Research Committee, GZRSC on 17th October 2014

5.State Level seminar on Framework of Quality Management in Higher Education; The Mizoram Context jointly organized by MCTA in collaboration with IQAC, Higher & Technical Education Department, Govt. of Mizoram on 9th December 2014

6. Seminar on Recent Trends and Prospects in Biotechnology, under the focal theme- Science for Nation Building organized by Seminar Organizing Committee & DBT Institutional Biotech Hub, GZRSC on 27th February 2015

7. Sensitization Programme on Choice Based Credit System, sponsored RUSA organized by Seminar Organizing Committee, GZRSC on 29th January 2016.

8. Sensitization Programme on “NAAC Accreditation Process” organized by IQAC, GZRSC sponsored by RUSA, GZRSC on 16th February 2016

9. Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights and Grass root Innovation organized by IPR Cell, GZRSC and Patent Information Centre, MISTIC, DST, Govt. of Mizoram on 24th march 2017

10. Consumer Awareness Programme organized by IQAC, GZRSC and BSI on 22nd February 2017

11. Seminar on National science Day organized by Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC and MISTIC, catalyzed and supported by NCSTC, DST, New Delhi on 28th February 2017

12. Workshop on Mental Health and Personality development organized by department of Home Science, GZRSC under the aegis of RUSA on 12th July 2017

13.Trainers’ Training Programme for enhancing Equity and Inclusion organized by Website Committee, GZRSC sponsored by RUSA on 16th -22nd August 2017

14. RUSA sponsored programme on “Community development Programme” organized by Home Science Department on 30th October 2017

15.RUSA sponsored Career Counselling and awareness of women’s Right for Home Science Students organized by department of Home Science, GZRSC in collaboration with Women Studies center on 2nd February 2018

16.Seminar on “Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future” jointly organized by Innovation Club, GZRSC & Institutional Biotech Hub, GZRSC on 28th February 2018

17. RUSA sponsored Programme on Flower Arrangement and Cake making organized by the department of Home Science on 21st March 2018

18. RUSA sponsored Programme on Motivational Speech for Home Science Students organized by department of Home Science on 3rd July 2018

19. Hands -on Training on “Fabric stenciling” organized by Village and School Adoption Committee, GZRSC funded by RUSA, GZRSC on 31st August 2018

20. “Workshop on Life Skills and Food Adulteration” organized by Village and School Adoption Committee, GZRSC in collaboration with Govt. Republic High School funded by RUSA, GZRSC on 15th May 2019

21. National Level Short Course Training on Research Methodology organized by Research & and Seminar Committee and IQAC, GZRSC in collaboration with Department of, Psychology, MZU ON 12th-17th August 2019

22. International workshop on Tectonic and its Implications with special reference to Indo-Burma Range organized by Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC on 17th -18th January,2020

23. 5-Days Faculty Development Programme on “E-Teaching” organized by IQAC and Research and Seminar Committee GZRSC from 30th July -4th August 2020

24.FDP on “Moodle Learning Management System” organized by GZRSC with a course material provided by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay from 24th -28th August 2020.

25. Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in higher Education organized by the Research, Innovation and Extension Cell (IQAC), Govt. Aizawl College in collaboration with RUSA from 24th to 28th August, 2020.

26. 5-days Faculty Development Programme for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff organized by IQAC and Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC on 5th-9th April,2021

27. One day National E-Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – Patent and Designs Process organized by IQAC, GZRSC in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property management, Nagpur, Ministry of Commerce & Industry Govt. of India, IPR Training Institute on 11th October, 2021.

Webinars Attended:

1. National Level Webinar on Biotechnology for Human welfare organized by IQAC & Dept. of Botany on 28th August 2020.

2. National webinar on Cross – Cultural Translation organized by Dept. of English, Govt. J Thankima College on 3rd October, 2020.

3. Webinar on Mental Health foe all: Greater investment – Greater access hosted by Dept. of Clinical Psychology, MZU on 10th October, 2020.

4. National webinar on Diet for Building Immunity and Documentation of Lusei Traditional Textiles organized by Dept. of Home Science and research and Seminar Committee, Govt. Zirtiri residential Science College on 29th October, 2020.

5. One-week national workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education organized by IQAC, Govt. Aizawl College in collaboration with RUSA from 24th – 28th August, 2020.

6. National Webinar on Gender Issues organized by research and seminar committee and Women Studies Committee, GZRSC held on 30th October, 2020.

7. National Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights organized by Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC in collaboration with Mizoram Science Technology & Innovation Council (MISTIC) held on 5th November, 2020.

8. Webinar on Celebration of National Education Day 2020 organized by Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC supported by IQAC, GZRSC held on 11th November, 2020.

9. National Webinar on Bioresources and Climate Change organized by Dept. od Zoology, Dept. of Electronics, Research & Seminar Committee, GZRSC held on 17th November, 2020.

10. 4 Days National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on Revised NAAC Accreditation Framework Perceptions organized by GTN Arts College Dugdigul, Tamil Nadu from 12th – 15th May, 2021.

11. Webinar on “New Education Policy, 2020 and Management education organized by Dept. of Management, MZU on 20th May, 2021.

12. Webinar on The Science of Learning presented by Prof. of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA organized by MZU on 25th May, 2021.

13. International Webinar on Covid 19 : Disruption of Life Process Impacting Mental Health organized by MZU on 3rd June, 2021.

14. UGC STRIDE Webinar on “The Role of Hypothalamic Network in 3 antagonisms as a Novel Treatment for Menopausal Hot Flushes organized by MZU on 8th June, 2021.

15. International webinar titled Awareness in Processing of Fermented Dairy Products organized by Dept. of Food Technology, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi on 24th June, 2021.

16. National Webinar on Shadow Pandemic – Domestic Violence in The Wake of Covid 19 organized by PG & Research Dept. of Social Work, Cauvery College for Women, Tiruchirappalli on 7th September, 2021.

17. National Level Faculty Development Programme on Managing Online Classes organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell in collaboration with Dept. of B.Com, BAF, BMS and BAMMC, Clara’s College of Commerce, Mumbai on 9th September, 2021.

18. National webinar on Mental Health in an Unequal World organized by Dept. of Clinical Psychology, MZU on 8th October, 2021.

19. Webinar on Nutritional Enterpreneurship hosted by Dept of Food and Nutrition and Food Technology, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi on 9th October, 2021.


Local Level –

1. Member, School Management Committee, Govt. Primary School 1, Tlangnuam, Aizawl.

2. Member, ICDS & RGSEAG – SABLA

University Level -

  1. Member, Moderation Board, 2015 – 2018.

College Level –

  1. Member, Village and School Adoption Committee
  2. Member, Canteen Management Sub Committee
  3. Member, Decoration Sub Committee


1. Resource person in one day workshop on Life Skills and Food Adulteration organized by Village & School Adoption Committee, GZRSC on 15th May, 2019.

2. Resource person on Training on good House Keeping for Rural Unemployed Youth organized by SIRD & PR on 10th – 11th December 2020.

3. Radio Talk.

This page was updated on 1st November 2021

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022