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Dr. Lalzahawmi Chenkual

Dr. Lalzahawmi Chenkual

Associate Professor & Head of Department

Department of Zoology


  • MSc (Zoology)
  • PhD


  • Cytogenetics


  • Date of entry into service: 18/02/1993

  • Date of promotion into Associate Professor: 17/12/2007


  • Mobile: 9436157533

Date of completion of Ph.D: 06/12/2016
Title of the thesis: Assessment of Water Quality of Tamdil Lake, Mizoram, India.


1. Textbook of “History of Science”. Chapter III: History of Biology-II, Lalzahawmi Chenkual ©Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College. Published by Lengchhawn Offset. ISBN: 978-81-930835-4-3,2015, Page 58-93.

1. Physico-chemical characteristics of Tamdil in Mizoram, northeast India. B.P Mishra and Lalzahawmi Chenkual. Science Vision 14(4), 200-206, 2014. ISSN: 0975-6175/EISSN 2229-6026.

2. Assessment of various environmental factors and water quality of Tamdil, Mizoram, India. Lalzahawmi Chenkual. Science Vision Volume 15 (Supplementary), 2015, Page 52-57.

3. Seasonal variation in physical characteristics of Tamdil lake, Mizoram, Northeast India. Lalzahawmi Chenkual, Laltanpuia and B.P Mishra. International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJMSET). ISSN 2349-3755. Volume 3, Issue 6, 2016, pp 24-29.

4. Assessment of seasonal variation in chemical characteristics of Tamdil lake, Mizoram, Northeast India. Lalzahawmi Chenkual and B.P. Mishra. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS). Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2016. ISSN 2395-3470.

5. Seasonal variation in water quality attributes of Tamdil, Mizoram, India. Lalzahawmi Chenkual and B.P. Mishra. Proceedings of Mizoram Science Congress 2016. P 169-174. ISBN 978-93-85926-49-5.

6. Influence of seasonal Temperature Variation on pH, DO and BOD in Tamdil lake, Mizoram, India. Lalzahawmi Chenkual B.P Mishra, Laltanpuia, Mary Lalthansangi and Zirlianngura. Science & Technology Journal. Mizoram University. ISSN 2321-3388. Vol.6 N0.2 July 2018.

G. Presentations in Conferences:

1. Evaluation of status of ecosystem of Tamdil lake, Aizawl District, Mizoram by assessment of Physico-chemical parameters of water and management strategies of the lake. 12-14 November, 2018 in the 12th Annual Convention of BAP & International Conference on Biodiversity, Environment and Human Health: Innovations and Emerging Trends, (BEHIET, 2018) Mizoram University.

2. Influence of Seasonal temperature variation on pH, Dissolved oxygen and Biological Oxygen Deand in Tamdil lake, Mizoram, India. 19-22 February, 2019, in International Conference on Chemistry & Environmental sustainability. (ICCES- 2019). Department of Chemistry, Mizoram University.

3. Seasonal Variation in Water Quality Attributes of Tamdil, Mizoram, India. 13-14, November 2016, in Science and Technology for shaping the Future of Mizoram. Mizoram Science Congress 2016. Organized by Mizoram Science, Technology and Innovation Council (MISTIC), DST, Government of Mizoram at Mizoram University.

4. Assessment of quality of spring water in the northern part of Aizawl, Mizoram, India and its comparison with water supply from PHED, Government of Mizoram, 6-8 November 2019, in International Conference on Recent advances in Animal Sciences (ICRAAS-2019). Organized by Department of Zoology, Pachhunga University College.

5. Seasonal Evaluation of water quality of selected perennial springs in some densely populated areas of Aizawl city, 6-8 November 2019, in International Conference on Recent advances in Animal Sciences (ICRAAS-2019). Organized by Department of Zoology, Pachhunga University College.


1. UGC- Sponsored Refresher Course in ‘Recent Advances in Zoology -III, held from 1/3/1997–21/3/1997 by North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya.

2. UGC- Sponsored Refresher Course in ‘Zoology’ held from 3/8/1998–24/8/1998 by North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya.

3. UGC- Sponsored Refresher Course in ‘Zoology’ held from 22nd November–15th December, 2004 by North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya.

4. UGC- Sponsored Refresher Course in ‘Zoology’ held from 22nd February–15th March, 2006 by North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya.


1. Mizoram Science Congress: Science and Technology for Shaping the Future of Mizoram. 13-14 November 2016. Organized by Mizoram Science, Technology and Innovation Council (MISTIC), DST, Govt. of Mizoram.

2. State Level Workshop on Needs of Scientific & Technological Intervention for the Development of Mizoram held at Aijal Club, Aizawl on 27th October, 2017. Organized by DST, Govt of Mizoram and Mizoram Science Society.

3. International Conference on Biodiversity, Environment and Human Health: Innovations and Emerging Trends (BEHIET 2018). November 12-14,2018. Organized by School of Life Sciences, Mizoram University and Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy (ABAP).

4. International Conference on Chemistry & Environmental Sustainability. 19-22 Feb.2019. Organized by Department of Chemistry. Mizoram University

5. International Conference on Recent Advances in Animal Sciences (ICRAAS). 6-8 November, 2019. Organized by Department of Zoology, Pachhunga University College, Aizawl, India.

6. Seminar on National Science Day 2019 (Theme: Science for the people and the people for science) held at Pachhunga University College. Organized by MISTIC, Govt. of Mizoram and Mizoram Science Society.

7. National Level Short Course Training on Research Methodology. 12-17 August 2019. Organized by Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC and Department of Psychology, Mizoram University, MZU.

8. State Level Workshop on Copyright held on 16th October 2019 at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College. Organized by IPR Committee, GZRSC and MISTIC, DST, Govt. of Mizoram.

9. International Workshop on Tectonic and Its Implications with Special Reference to Indo-Burma Range. 17-18 January 2020. Organized by Research and Seminar Committee and department of Geology, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College, Aizawl. India.

10. Celebration of National Science Day 2020 (Theme: Women in Science) held at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College on 28/2/2020. Organized by MISTIC, Govt. of Mizoram and Govt. Zirtiri residential Science College.

11. 5-Days Faculty Development Programme on E-Teaching. Held during 30th July – 4th August 2020. Organized by Organized by Research and Seminar Committee, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College, Aizawl. India.

12. National Level Training on Faculty Development Programme on Moodle Learning Management System held during 24/9/2020 to 28/9/2020. Organized by IQAC, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College and Spoken Tutorial IIT Project, Mumbai, India.

C. Oganizer/ Co-ordinator of Conference/Workshop/Seminar

1. Organizing Chairman: 3-months Course on ‘Environmental Research Techniques” held during December 2017 – February 2018 at Govt. Zirtiri residential Science College. Organized by Govt. Zirtiri residential Science College. In Collaboration with Mizoram Pollution Control Board, Mizoram Legal services Authority and Human resource Development Center, MZU

2. Co-coordinator: Mizoram Science Congress: Science and Technology for Shaping the Future of Mizoram. 13-14 November 2016. Organized by Mizoram Science, Technology and Innovation Council (MISTIC), DST, Govt. of Mizoram.

3. Coordinator: Hands-on Training on Molecular Research Techniques held during 31st May – 6th June 2018 at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College, Aizawl. India. Organized by DBT- Institutional Biotech Hub, GZRSC and Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC in Collaboration with State DBT-Biotech Hub, MZU.

4. Organizing Member: ‘Personality development Programme 2019” held during 16th May to 22nd May 2019. Organized by Student Support Committee, Sponsored by RUSA, GZRSC.

5. Organizing Member: International Conference on Recent Advances in Animal Sciences (ICRAAS). 6-8 November, 2019. Organized by Department of Zoology, Pachhunga University College, Aizawl, India.

6. Organizing Chairman: National Level Short Course Training on Research Methodology. 12-17 August 2019. Organized by Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC and Department of Psychology, Mizoram University, MZU.

7. Organizing Chairman: International Workshop on Tectonic and Its Implications with Special Reference to Indo-Burma Range. 17-18 January 2020. Organized by Research and Seminar Committee and department of Geology, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College, Aizawl. India.

8. Organizing Chairman: Celebration of National Science Day 2020 (Theme: Women in Science) held at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College on 28/2/2020. Organized by MISTIC, Govt. of Mizoram and Govt. Zirtiri residential Science College.

D. Resource Person:

1. Celebration of National Science Day 2013 (Theme: Genetically Modified crops and Food security) held at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College on 28/2/2013. Organized by Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Mizoram and Govt. Zirtiri residential Science College.

2. Assessment of Physico-chemical Characteristics of Tamdil lake in Mizoram, N.E.India on 17th October 2014 on the Symposium on ‘Research Innovation and Popularisation, at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College

3. Popular lecture on- Genetically Modified crops and Food security held at I&PR Auditorium on 28/2/2013. Organized by MISTIC, Govt. of Mizoram and Mizoram Science Society.

4. Seminar on ‘Research Motivation” held on 5th April, 2017 at Govt. Zirtiri residential Science College, organized by Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC and RUSA, GZRSC.

5. 3-months Course on ‘Environmental Research Techniques” held during December 2017 – February 2018 at Govt. Zirtiri residential Science College. Organized by Govt. Zirtiri residential Science College. In Collaboration with Mizoram Pollution Control Board, Mizoram Legal services Authority and Human resource Development Center, MZU

6. National Level Short Course Training on Research Methodology. 12-17 August 2019. Organized by Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC and Department of Psychology, Mizoram University, MZU.


1. Ex-officio member: State Wetland Conservation Authority for the State of Mizoram

2. Life member and Executive Committee member of Mizoram Science Society

3. Life Member: Mizo Academy of Sciences

4. Member: Board of Study, Department of Zoology, Mizoram University

5. Member: Moderation Board, Department of Zoology, Mizoram University

6. Member: Biodiversity Committee, Nursery Veng Local Council.


1. Awarded a ‘Certificate of Reviewing’ by Elsevier’s Groundwater for Sustainable Development since November 2020 in recognition of the review contributed to the journal.

2. Certificate for “Evaluation of Scientific Project Proposal” submitted to the Directorate of Science & Technology, Government of Mizoram for the year 2017-2018.

This page was updated on 15th March 2021

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022