Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Lalsangkimi Hmar

Lalsangkimi Hmar

Associate Professor

Department of Home Science


  • MSc (Home Science)



  • Child Development



  • Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College, Aizawl since June 13, 1988.
  • Associate Professor, Department of Home Science, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College  till date.



  • Mobile : 7085697650

Course / Workshop / Seminar / Conference attended :

  1. Attended 28th Biennial National Conference organized by Home Science Association of India, Kolkata Chapter held on 7th to 9th January 2010 on the topic "Impact of Social Change & Technological Advancements on Family & Community'.
  2. Participated in Faculty enrichment on Service matters on 24th August 2011 at College Hall
  3. Participated as Resource Person at the Finishing School Course from 21st May 2012 to 27th June 2012 conducted by Pachhunga University College, Aizawl.
  4. Participated in the State Level Seminar on Problems & Opportunities in Higher Education and Higher Vision and Professional Code of Ethics for Teachers on 27th November 2012.
  5. Attended the Faculty Development Programme on 'Effective Teaching Strategy' on 23rd January 2013.
  6. Participated as Resource Person in Finishing School Course (A certificate course in Life Skills Development) conducted by Pachhunga University College, Aizawl during 8th April to 9th May 2013.
  7. Attended seminar on 'Food Adulteration' organized by Legal Metrology & Home Science Department, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College on 23rd April 2013.
  8. Participated as Resource Person in the Finishing School 2013 for BSc Nursing Students organized by Department of Nursing, RIPANS held during 23rd July to 2nd August 2013 at RIPANS Campus.
  9. Attended 'One Day Seminar on Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security' organized by Mizo Academy of Sciences & Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College held on 23rd January 2014.
  10. Participated in the Panel Discussion on Fostering Scientific Temper (Sub-theme: "Facts vs Fallacies") on the occasion of National Science Day 2014 celebration on 28th February 2014 supported by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
  11. Attended a Campaign on 'Money Transaction' organized by Rural Bank, Khatla.
  12. Chaired the launching of Women Study Center at the College Auditorium as a Chairperson of Women Study Center, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College, 2015.
  13. Participated in Seminar ‘Recent Trends and Prospects in Biotechnology under the focal theme ‘Science for Nation Building held on 27.2.2015 on the occasion of National Science Day 2015 supported by Mizoram Council of Science, Technology and Environment and Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
  14. Organized and attended the Seminar on Women related Issues - Domestic Violence, Women's Right at the college auditorium with Mizoram State Legal Services on August 2015.
  15. Participated as a Resource Person in the Three Days Finishing School, 2016 on ‘Training for Personal Development’ organized by Research Consultancy and Extension Cell, Govt. Aizawl College on 25th and 27th May 2016.
  16. Participated in the Sensitization Programme on Choice Based Credit System held on 29th January 2016 organized by Seminar Organizing Committee, GZRSC
  17. Participated in the Sensitization Programme on NAAC Accreditation Process held on 16th February 2016 organized by IQAC, GZRSC
  18. Participated in One Day Seminar on Legal Awareness   held on 13th October 2016 organized by Seminary Organizing Committee, GZRSC.
  19. Participated in the Consumer Awareness Programme held on 22nd February 2017 organized by IQAC, GZRSC and Bureau of Indian Standards.
  20. Participated in Seminar on National Science Day 2017 held on 28th February 2017 organized by Research and Seminary Committee in collaboration with Mizoram Science, Technology & Innovation Council catalyzed and supported by NCSTC,DST New Delhi.
  21. Participated in Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights and Grass-root Innovation held on 24th March 2017 jointly organized by IPR Cell GZRSC and Patent Information Center, MISTIC DST, Govt. of Mizoram.
  22. Participated in the RUSA sponsored State Level Workshop on Financial Management and Digital Teaching Methods for College Teachers during 5th – 12th April 2017 jointly organized by Website Committee and Innovation Club, GZRSC.
  23. Participated in the Workshop on Mental Health and Personality Development organized by Home Science Department, GZRSC on 12th July 2017.
  24. Participated in the RUSA sponsored training for College Teachers Trainer’s Training Programme for Enhancing Equity and Inclusion during 16th – 22nd August 2017 organized by Website Committee in collaboration with Center for Social Reasearch, New Delhi.
  25. Participated in the RUSA sponsored Programme on Community Development Programme on 30th Oct.2017organized by Home Science Department, GZRSC.
  26. Participated in the RUSA sponsored Programme on ‘Career Counselling and Awareness of Women’s Right for Home Science Students organized by Home Science Department in collaboration with Women Study Center, GZRSC on 2nd February 2018.
  27. Participated in the RUSA sponsored Programme on ‘Flower Arrangement and Cake Making organized by Home Science Department, GZRSC on 21st March 2018.
  28. Organized as a member of Student Support Committee a ‘Personality Development Programme 2018 for final students of BSc, BHSc and BCA       during 21st to 25th May 2018.
  29. Participated in the RUSA sponsored Programme on Motivational Speech for Home Science Students organized by Home Science Department, GZRSC on 3rd July 2018.
  30. Organized as a member of Student Support Committee a ‘Personality Development Programme 2019 for final students of BSc, BHSc and BCA       during 16th to 22th May 2019.
  31. Participated in the National Level Short Course Training on Research Methodology during 12th – 17th August 2019 organized by Research & Seminar Committee and IQAC. GZRSC in collaboration with Deptt. of Psychology MZU.
  32. Participated in ‘One Day Workshop on NAAC Awareness Programme held on 25th September 2019 organized by IQAC and Research Committee, GZRSC.
  33. Participated in ‘ International Workshop on Tectonics and its Implication with special reference to Indo-Burma Range’ on 17th -18th January 2020 organized by Research and Seminar Committee and Deptt. of Geology, GZRSC.
  34. Participated in ‘One Day Workshop on E-Content Development organized by IQAC, GZRSC on 10th February 2020.
  35. Participated in the 5 Days Faculty Development Programme on E- Teaching held during 30th July – 4th August 2020 organized by Research and Seminar Committee supported by IQAC, GZRSC.
  36. Participated in the National Webinar on Diet for Building Immunity and Documentation of Lusei Traditional Textiles on 29th October 2020 organized by Research and Seminar Committee and Deptt. of Home Science, GZRSC
  37. Participated in the National Webinar on Gender Issues held on 30th October 2020 organized by Research and Seminar Committee and Women Studies Committee, GZRSC.
  38. Participated in the 5 Days Faculty Development Programme for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff during 5th – 9th April 2021 organized by IQAC and Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC.
  39. Participated in the Four Days National Level Online Faculty Development Program on Revised NAAC Accreditation Framework Perceptions from May 12 to May 15 2021 organized by GTN Art College, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu.
  40. Attended the Webinar on New Education Policy, 2020 and Management Education held on 20th May 2021 organized by Department of Management, Mizoram University.
  41. Attended the Webinar on ‘ The Science of Learning” presented by Prof. Sanjay E Sarma, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA hosted by Mizoram University on 25th May 2021.
  42. Attended the Webinar presentation on Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility held on 28th May 2021 organized by Department of Management, Mizoram University.
  43. Participated in the Webinar on Exploration and Development for Hydrocarbons – with Special Reference to North East India conducted by Mizoram University on 2nd June 2021.
  44. Attended an International Webinar on Covid 19; Disruption of Life Process Impacting Mental Health hosted by Deptt. of Psychology, Mizoram University on 3rd June 2021.
  45. Participated in UGC Stride Webinar on ‘ The Role of       Hypothalamic Neurokinin 3 antagonism as a Novel Treatment for Menopausal hot flushes held on 8th June 2021 at the Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram.
  46. Participated in the International Webinar on ‘Improving Livelihoods and addressing Climate Change through Community Based Natural Resources Management: Experience from Guatemala & Research Opportunities for NE India organized by Mizoram University in collaboration with University of Minnesota, USA on 11th June 2021.
  47. Participated in the Webinar on ‘The Evolution of the International Peace Architecture organized by Department of Political Science, MZU on 11th June 2021.
  48. Attended the Webinar on Climate change and Global Capital;Collapse or Transformation held on June 16, 2021 hosted by MZU.

This page was updated on 6th July 2021

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022