Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Leishangthem Budha Singh

Leishangthem Budha Singh

Associate Professor & Head of Department

Department of Mathematics


  • MSc (Mathematics)
  • B.Ed.
  • M.Phil.


  • Mgneto Hydro Dynamics & Plasma Physics


  • Date of Joining this College : 2.8.2000
  • Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College till date.


  • Mobile : +91 9862373643 / 0389 2315593
  1. Orientation: UGC Sponsored Orientation Course Academic Staff College Jawaharlal Nehru University, organized during November 13 to December 08, 2000.
  2. Refresher Course in Mathematics, Manipur University during December 19, 2001 to January 15, 2002.
  3. Refresher Course in Mathematics, Manipur University during June 22 to July 12, 2007.
  4. Refresher Course in Mathematics, North-eastern Hill University during 1st. December, 2008 to 22nd. December, 2008.
Sl.No Seminar/Webinar/Meeting Level Duration/Date Organizers
1 Research Methodology For Social Sciences National 17th, 18th &19th May 2021. Indian Institute Of Management And Comerce.
2 Changing Consumerism & Role Of Digital Marketting. National 20th May 2021 Dept. Of Management Studies, Nandha Engineering College.
3 Community Samwad On COVID-19 National 23th May 2021 UCET, Bikaner & MITRC, Alwar in collaboratio with Ashay Jan Kalyan Sewa Samity in association with AIIMS Rishkesh, ICAE, Bhopal.
4 Tricks & Trades National 27th May 2021 Institute of Gems & Jewellery.
5 Financial Empowerment : A Key To Financial Well Being. National 7th. June 2021 Liberal College & Association of Mutual Funds In India.
6 Research Methodology and Hands on Learning. National 2 to 6 August 2021 ( One Week Program) Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS)
7 Augmented Reality Technologies in Virtual Scenario. National 1st. to 6th. September 2021 ( One Week Program) DST-CURIE-AI Centre, SRI PADAMAVATI MAHILA VISVA VIDYALAYAM, Titupati

(i) Member for Games & Sports.
(ii) Member for Anti Raging Committee.
(iii) Executive Member for MCTA branch GZRSC.
(iv) Member for Moderation Board UG, MZU.

This page was updated on 28th October 2021

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022