Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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David Rosangliana

Dr. David Rosangliana

Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics


  • MSc (Mathematics)
  • NET
  • Ph.D. (on-going)


  • Data Analysis


  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Govt. Serchhip College (2008 - 2019)
  • Date of Joining this College : 6.11.2019
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College till date.


  • Mobile : 9862220289
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view

Papers published in Journals/Conference Proceedings/Book Published by the faculty:

Sl. No. Title Journal ISSN/ISBN No. Whether peer reviewed? Impact Factor, if any No. of co-author(s) Whether you are the main/co author
1 A Review on Full Groups of Cantor Minimal System, International Journal of Mathematical Education, Vol 5, No. 1(2015), pp.39-51 0973-6948 Peer reviewed 0 Sole author
2 Analysis of higher education enrolment in Mizoram Mizoram Educational Journal Vol IV Issue I (June, 2018) pp 13-24. 2395-731X Peer reviewed 1 Corresponding author
3 Status of science education in college: a gender study of northeast India International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Vol 6 (1), 747 – 752 ISSN 2348-1269 (online) ISSN 2349-5138 (print) Peer reviewed 4 Corresponding author
4 Research activity of college teachers: a case study of Mizoram Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Vol 6 (3) ISSN   2349-5162 Peer reviewed 3 Corresponding author
5 Gross Enrollment Ratio prediction using Artificial Neural Network International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2020 ,8(5) 5006-5011. ISSN 2277-3878 (online) Peer reviewed 2 Corresponding author

1. Participated in Orientation Programme on “Physical Sciences and Engineering” from 18th January – 16th February, 2010.
2. Participated UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Physical Sciences and Engineering Technology 18th August to 9th September during 2010,
3. Participated in UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Physical Sciences from 19th March to 8th April, 2013
4. Participated in Refresher Course on Research Methodology from 31st July to 20th August, 2018 organized by HRDC, MZU

Seminar /webinar attended or State level/ University-level /Academic Society meetings attended

Sl no Seminar/Webinar/Meeting Duration & Date Level Organizer
1. Symposium on “Teching-Learning and Evaluation for Improvement of Examination Results in Higher Education” 7th May, 2009 State Quality Assurance Cell (QAC) H&TE & Principals’ Council Mizoram
2. National Conference on Mathematical Sciences 24-25 November, 2011 National Dept. of Mathematics, Pachhunga University College in collaboration with Mizoram Mathematics Society
3. National Workshop on Rights of women and children, disabled and elderly persons 28th November, 2011 National Dept. of Economics, MZU and National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi.
4. Short Term Course on Computer Application 12-16 December, 2011 National Academic Staff College, MZU
5. One Week Workshop on Applied Statistics 23-28 July, 2012 National Academic Staff College, MZU
6. ISI-MZU School on Soft Computing and Applications 5-9 November, 2012 National Machine Intelligence Unit, ISI, Kolkata & Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, MZU
7. One Day Seminar on Human Rights 30th November, 2012 National Govt. Aizawl North College
8. National Workshop on Mathematical Analysis 7-8 March, 2013 National Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, MZU
9. Instructional School for Lecturers in Topology 30 September to 12 October, 2013 National National Centre of Mathematics
10. Short Term Course on Border Studies 28th October to 3rd November, 2014 National Academic Staff College, MZU
11. Orientation Workshop on Radiation – Its applications in Chemical, Physical, and Life Sciences 29-31 October, 2014 National UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata Centre and Dept. of Chemistry, MZU
12. State Level Seminar on ‘Framework of Quality Management in Higher Education; The Mizoram Context’ 9th December, 2014 State MCTA in collaboration with QAC, H&TE, Govt. of Mizoram & State Higher Education Council (RUSA), Mizoram
13. One Week Course on Applied Statistics 7-12 September, 2015 National Human Resource Development Centre, MZU
14. State Level Observance of International Year of Light and Light-based Technology 13th November, 2015 State Directorate of Science & Technology, Govt. of Mizoram
15. State Level Two Day Legal Awareness Workshop on ‘Women related laws’ 28-29 January, 2016 State Govt. Mizoram Law College
16. One Day Seminar on the Roles of RUSA in Higher Education’ 12th February, 2016 State Govt. Serchhip College
17. Workshop on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) 12th April, 2016 State Govt. Serchhip College
18. Workshop on Digital India 24th August, 2016 National Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India
19. 4th Workshop on Official Statistics in North Eastern States 7-13 November, 2016 National ISI Kolkata & Pachhunga University College
20. North-East ISI-MZU Winter School on “Algorithms with special focus on graphs” 6-11 March, 2017 National Advanced Computing & Microelectronics Unit, ISI, Kolkata & Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, MZU
21. ISU-MZU School on Soft Computing Techniques: Theory and Applications 20-24 March, 2017 National Machine Intelligence Unit, ISI, Kolkata & Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, MZU
22. One Day State Level Workshop on ‘UGC Regulations 2018’ 8th January, 2018 State Mizoram College Teachers Association
23. Sensitization Workshop on Climate Change in Mizoram 1st August, 2018 State

State Climate Change (MISTIC) and Govt. Serchhip College.

24. National Workshop on Research Methodology 7-11 August, 2018 National School of Social Sciences, MZU
25. One Day State Level Workshop on “UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education, 2018” 8th August, 2018 State Mizoram College Teachers Association
26. State Level workshop on ‘National Policy on Higher Education and Institutional Accreditation’ 25th September, 2018 State SHEC cum SPD, RUSA & Govt. Serchhip College
27. One day workshop on I-MADE (Innovation in Mobile Application and Development Ecosystem) 4th December, 2018 State Mizoram University and Dept. of Telecommunication, Govt. of India.
28. Instruction School for Teachers on “Mathematical Modelling in Continuum Mechanics and Ecology” 3-15 June, 2019 National National Centre for Mathematics
29. State Level Seminar on National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 8th August, 2019 State RUSA Committee on Participation of Colleges in NIRF
30. National Workshop on ‘Ethics in Research and Preventing Plagiarism (ERPP 2019)’ 3rd October, 2019 National Dept. of Physics, MZU
31 International Workshop on Tectonic and its implications with special reference to Indo-Burma Range’ 17-18 January, 2020 International Research and Seminar Committee and Dept. of Geology, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College
32. One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on LaTeX 29th June, 2020 to 3rd July, 2020 International Department of Information Technology, Mizoram University & IIT Bombay
33. Recent Advances in Science: Mankind and Change 6-7 July, 2020 International Govt. Serchhip College
34. Sustainability Post Covid-19 27-31 July, 2020 International SDG Cell, Planning & Program Implementation Dept. Govt. of Mizoram
35. Faculty Development Programme on Moodle Learning Management System 24-28 August, 2020 National Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College & IIT Bombay.
36. Models and modeling perspective, an option to improve the mathematical training of individuals in this unprecedented time in Mexico and in the world 4th November, 2020 International Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, Mizoram University
37. Celebration of National Education day 2020 11th November, 2020 Institutional Research & Seminar Committee & IQAC, GZRSC
38. Faculty Development Programme for Teaching and Non Teaching Staff 5-9 April, 2021 Institutional IQAC & Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC
39. GZRSC MIS release cum training program 31st May, 2021 Institutional IQAC, GZRSC
40. Covid 19: Disruption of Life Process Impacting Mental Health 3rd June, 2021 International Mizoram University
41. International Webinar on Economic Restoration – Reimagine, Recreate & Restore 11th June, 2021 International Dept. of Zoology in collaboration with Research & Seminar Committee GZRSC
42. Living and coping with Covid-19: Psychosocial care and Worklife-Balance 11th June, 2021 National Centre for Disaster Management, Mizoram University in collaboration with Mizoram College Teachers Association, MCTA & Dept. of Psychology, Pachhunga University College.

Teachers as resource persons/papers presented (without publication) at conference/seminar/webinar etc.



Title Conference/Seminar/Webinar Duration/Date Level
1 Information Technology and Human Rights Human Rights and Human Development in North East India 2nd June, 2011 State
2 Cardinality of a set Second Mizoram Mathematics Congress 13-14 August, 2015 National
3 An analytical study of school education in Mizoram Seminar on Mizo History Association on Issues in Contemporary Mizo Society 27-28 September, 2018 National
4 Prediction of student enrolment using artificial neural network Mizoram Science Congress, 2018 4-5 October, 2018 National
5 Research Publications of College Teachers in Aizawl National Seminar on Contemporary Psychosocial Issues 19 October 2018 National
6 Research Activity of Science Teachers in Mizoram: A case study of degree college under State government ICSSR-NERC Sponsored National Seminar on Science Education in North-Eastern States of India: Current Status and Future Directions 2-3 November, 2018 National
7 Gender gap in Science Education of North-East India: A case study of Colleges ICSSR-NERC Sponsored National Seminar on Science Education in North-Eastern States of India: Current Status and Future Directions 2-3 November, 2018 National
8 Matrix, Determinants and its applications Mathematics Summer Day Camp 2019 11-15 March, 2019 State
9 NEP 2020: Higher Education in Mizoram One Week National workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education organized by Research, Innovation & Extension Cell (IQAC), Govt. Aizawl College in collaboration with RUSA


Presented on 28.8.2020


National Education

Policy 2020 with special reference to School


One-Day Webinar on National Education Policy

2020 for NSS Program Officers and Volunteers

in Mizoram organized by National Service

Scheme, Mizoram.

19.9.2020 State

National Education

Policy 2020 with special reference to Higher


One-Day Webinar on National Education Policy

2020 for NSS Program Officers and Volunteers

in Mizoram organized by National Service

Scheme, Mizoram.

19.9.2020 State
12 UPI Payments One-Day Webinar on Future of STI: Impacts on Education, Skills and Work 28.2.2021 Institutional


(i) Assistant Secretary, Mizoram Mathematics Society.

(ii) Member, Mizoram Academy of Science.

(iii)Member, Innovation Club, GZRSC.

(iv) Member,Games & Sports Committee, GZRSC.

(v) Member, Mizoram College Teachers’ Association.

(vi) Departmental Coordinator, IQAC, GZRSC.


  1. Resource Person on Primary and Middle Schools Mathematics Teachers’ Training conducted by BRCC, SSA Mission under Ngopa Block in collaboration with Dept. of Mathematics, Pachhunga University College on 22-23 March, 2012 at BRC Training Hall, Ngopa.
  2. Participated as Judge in Aizawl District Students Science Seminar on the theme “Mathematics in India, Past, Present and Future” for High School students held at Aizawl on 24.8.2012.
  3. Performance as Micro Observer for the General Election to the 7th Mizoram Legislative Assembly held on 25th November, 2013.
  4. Participated as a Panelist in One-Day State Level Consultation on Draft National Education Policy, 2019 (With Special Reference to Higher Education) organized by Mizoram College Teachers’ Association (MCTA) with the sponsorship of State Project Directorate (SPD), Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), Mizoram, on 21st August, 2019.
  5. Participated in General Election to Local Councils, 2020 as Returning Officer in Vaivakawn.
  6. Participated in Covid-19 Executive duty as Team Leader in Chawlhhmun Locality in 2020.
  7. Participated in Covid-19 duty as Officer in charge of Quarantine Facility in R. Dengthuama Annexe Building on 2020.
  8. Participated in Aizawl Municipal Corporation Election 2021 as Presiding Officer in Bethlehem in 2021.

This page was updated on 14th July 2023

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
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