Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Analysis of Student’s Feedback 2019 – 2020

Student’s Feedback is collected every year to facilitate quality culture. The teachers concerned disseminate the feedback form to the students within a stipulated time. Each teacher collects the feedback and makes individual analysis. Since the Purpose of collecting feedback is self-analysis and self-improvement, the concerned teacher submits the feedback to the Principal after making a study of it. The Parameters for obtaining feedback from the students have been set by the IQAC. The Principal then prepares an overall analysis and report of feedback received and communicates the same to the teaching Community. The Principal’s report on the feedback collected during odd semester 2019 of the reporting year (19-20) is summarized as follows:

The first part mainly consists of the assessment of performances of a teacher in classes and beyond namely, communication skill, accessibility of teacher in and out of class, ability to design quizzes, assignments, knowledge of topic and preparedness, sincerity and commitment to the job, punctuality in class and maintenance of discipline which can be graded as Excellent, Good and Fair. It was good to see that various remarks were given showing that students were free and fair enough in giving feedback on a particular teacher. Most teachers were rated as Excellent or good under these parameters. The next part consists of a reflection on course content of what that particular teacher is teaching, its relevancy to the particular subject, its difficulty level, etc. Even though some students were keen on writing/praising the efforts of that particular teacher, some students expressed their views on the subject matter with interesting remarks. The general expression are:

a) Students taking Home Science generally remarked that Mathematics, Chemistry, etc. were found to be difficult and require more time and attention.

b) The involvement of IT in teaching really enhances their capability of understanding the topic. Students expressed their wish to have properly equipped classes with modern IT materials like smart classes.

c) Some students would like to have more field works where they find it easier to understand the reality of what they are studying theoretically.

d)Students showed their satisfaction at learning Communication skills in English, Mock interview etc. in language laboratory.

Due to Covid-19 pandemic feedback for students in the even semester was collected from students through the mentoring system. A common format was prepared by the IQAC, enquiring about the physical and mental condition of students, whether they faced any educational, financial or safety issues. From the feedback collected the general impression that can be recorded are. Most of the students are staying at home safely with their parents except for a handful of students who are staying with relatives. Most students did not face any mental, physical or financial issue. Students who reported financial issues were given financial assistance by the college through Student support Committee. Some students found it hard to concentrate on studies. They were advised to contact college helpline. The mentors also provided counselling through phones. Some students had problems getting access to study materials due to network problems. Google classrooms were conducted for most students. Students expressed their satisfaction at the college for offering tutorials for the courses as well as for the online examinations.

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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022