Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Reports submitted by various committees and cells.

Report on Awareness Campaign on Electors Verification Programme (EVP)
Dept of Zoology - Field Trip Report 8th October 2019
Reports on National Level Short Course Training on Research Methodology 12-17 August 2019
Report on International Workshop on Tectonic and its implications with special reference to Indo-Burma range
Report on the Activities of NCC 2020
Report on Online Personality Development Course 2020
Human Values Mahatma Gandhi and World Peace - Innovation Club, GZRSC 2020
75 years of India’s Independence
GZRSC Study Tour 2022 Visiting Mizo Historical Places
Draft National Youth Policy
Report on how the students support committee has utilised the fund
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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022