College Library
The College Library is located at the entrance of the building. Library service is the back bone of the teaching- learning process. It tries to provide the right information to the right users at the right time. Hence, the library staff give their best effort to fulfill the objective of the library.
1. Working Hours: The Library opens on all working day from 9:00 am – 4:00 p.m.
2. Library Committee: As per UGC norms Library committee is formed where the Principal is the Chairman, Librarian as Secretary and 3 members representing Teaching Staff, Administrative Staff and Students. The committee takes responsibilities on acquiring the materials, and other activities relating the development of the library under the chairmanship of the principal.
3. Acquisition Procedure: Whenever fund is available, it is distributed as per requirement by the department and each and every department is informed to submit their requirement to the Principal or Library Committee and if the committee found genuine it is then, processed for purchase of the same.
4. Collection Development: Being a growing organism, library is trying to increase and fulfill the requirement of the target users so as to obtain their right information .The number of Collections as on 21st October, 2021 are:
- Total Number of Books: 13121
- Total Number of Journals Subscribed: 13
- Total no of newspapers: 3
- Total no. of Non-Print Materials: 109
5. Organization of Books: Collection of Library resources are arranged in a systematic way. All library books were technically classified using ‘Dewey Decimal Classification’ system (23rd edition). New arrivals of books, Journals and Newspaper are properly displayed.
6. Maintenance: Books are kept in an open access so that users may search their required materials easily. Regular dusting and cleaning is done properly.
7. Circulation Service : Circulation Service is the main service offered by the library, charging and discharging is done through the system using standard library Card. Standard library software SOUL 2.0 is used for circulation service. Library Card is issued to students and faculty members and the students are allowed to keep the 3 books for 15 days and 10 books for faculties for one semester.
7. Orientation Programme : Orientation Programme is organized at the beginning of the session for the fresher students.
8. Reprographic Service: This is an important services in this library. Due to lack of sufficient number of materials, Reprographic service is provided with a lower rate than that of market rate though we are facing shortage of manpower. It immensely help the student’s requirement for materials.
9. Suggestion Box: To get the suggestion of the target users, Suggestion box is placed at the entrance of the library so that best services may be provided for the users. Through this services users can share their idea for the development of the students.
10. CCTV (Closed Circuit Television): CCTV was installed in the library so that every movement of the users can be traced for the safety of the library.
11. Documentation Service: University Exam Questions, Syllabus, College Magazines, selected topics from newspapers, Government gazette and Statistical hand books are kept properly in case they are required for the exam as well as for future research materials. Back volumes of the journals were finely binded and kept it properly.
12. Library Staff : Only One staff i.e. Library assistant is permanently engaged in this library At present three staff are serving at the library, one ivth grade, and one qualified Librarian are attached. Hence, shortage of manpower is a great problem faced by this library.
13. Library Automation. : The college purchased Library Software SOUL2.0 for Rs 30000/- from INFLIBNET , Ahmadabad in May 2011. Technical Assistants were temporarily employed for data entry by that time. Hence, the software was being utilized since Jan 2012 for circulation and for issuing ID Card.
14. UGC Network Resource Centre: The College Library is backed up with UGC Network Resource Centre with broadband internet facility so that users can freely access internet for their academic information need. This center is placed inside the library premise.
15. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue): The services of OPAC in the library started functioning from March 2021 in order to meet the need of the users where they can easily access their required information and save the time of the readers.
- Staff: Creation of Regular Post of the Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Library Attendant and Xerox operator, Computer operator is highly required so as the library be run and work smoothly.
- Training: Proper training for library staff on computer be provided or computer operator post may be created since all transaction is done by using standard Library software SOUL 2.0. Not only that UGC Network resource Centre is on the premises of the library that requires high skill on the Networking service.
- Space: Sufficient space Library be provided so that separate reading room for faculties, students and serious readers may be provided separately and properly.
- Name of College: Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College.
- Year of Establishment : 1980
- Year of Establishment of Library : 1980
- Holdings;
- Books : 13121
- Non-Print materials: 109
- Bound Volume of Journals:132
- Number of Periodicals/Journals/Dailies subscribed during 2021:
- Scholarly Journals: 9
- General Periodicals: 4
- Dailies :
- English :nil
- Mizo:3
- Number of Library Members:
- Students : 1085
- Teachers : 61
- Non-Teaching Staff: 19
Total : 1165
- Number of Books borrowed during 2020-21 : 1973
- Number of Visitors during 2020-2021: 3860
- Number of Staff in the Library :
Name of Post | Quantity | |
Librarian(full fledged) | -Nil- | |
Deputy Librarian | -Nil- | |
Library Assistant | 1 | |
Library Attendant | 1 | |
Xerox Operator | -Nil-_ |
Note : At present the Government cannot grant the Post of Librarian. In order to assist the need of the College Library the college employed Casual Employee for the Post of Librarian from 1st October, 2020.
- Classification : Done by using DDC scheme
- Other application of Technology:
- Brief Introduction and Activities of the Library :
- Library Orientation for Fresh Users is being Organized from time to time
- Library Automation : done
- Date of Starting : 01.08.2012
- Date of Completion :15.12.2012
- Software Use : SOUL 2.0
- CCTV (6 Channels)
- UGC Network Resource Centre.
- N-LIST Registered
College Library started functioning in 1980 with a collection of 3000 volumes. There are 3(three) Staff: Librarian, Library Assistant and library Attendant.
Service Rendered:
- Classification done by using DDC 22nd & 23rd Edition.
- Data Entry
- Transaction of Books done by using standard Library software SOUL 2.0
- Issue of Students’ ID cum Library Card.
- Purchase of Books
- Dealing File on Library Matters
- Reprographic Service.
- Enable Internet Access through UGC Network Resource Centre.
- Maintaining Question Bank. And uploading the recent Question Papers in the College Website
- Maintaining Visitor Record.
- Binding of back volume Journals & News papers
- Displaying New Arrivals.
- Current Awareness Service like Displaying Content List of Journals done.
- Distributing Best Users’ Award.
Difficulties faced :
- Shortage of manpower.
- Insufficient space for Documents as well as for Users
- Not Enough Space for readers.
Future Plan:
- Procurement of more books and E-Resources and furniture.
- Preparing Study Cerals.
- Attending more training on Computer Hardware & Software for In-house operation
- Setting up Archive Section.
- New Library Building is being constructed using SPA Fund.