Radiation Monitoring Lab has been established through the Research Project funded by BRNS (Govt. of India) since 2008. It is equipped with sophisticated machines like NaI (TI) gamma spectrometer with 1k Multichannel Analyser, RAD7 and other nuclear track detecting instruments. Ph.D. scholars and students utilize the facilities and a number of them have acquired Ph.D. degree from this lab. BRNS has approved research funds for installation of machines like Laser Fluerometry, Scintillation Radon / Thoron Monitor to strengthen the Lab. 

Lists of Ph.D. awardees from this Lab

1. Dr. Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng [Click Here to View / Download PhD Award Letter]

2. Dr. P.C. Rohmingliana [Click Here to View / Download PhD Award Letter]

3. Dr. Lawrence Zonunmawia Chhangte [Click Here to View / Download PhD Award Letter]

4. Dr. Vanramlawma [Click Here to View / Download PhD Award Letter]

5. Dr. Hmingchungnunga [Click Here to View / Download PhD Award Letter]

Some of the Devices in the Radiation Monitoring Lab

NaL TI Detector

1. NaI(Tl) detector for Gamma Spectrometry


GSpec -SA  multichannel analyser coupled with NaI(Tl) detector


SMART RnDuo for Radon-Thoron detection  coupled with Mass exhalation chamber


LED FLuorimeter for measurements of Uranium Concentration

1. Name of Laboratory: Advance Radiation Physics Laboratory.  Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College. Aizawl. Mizoram.

 2. Funding received for this Laboratory (through Research Project):

No Title Funding

AgencyPeriodAmountInvestigators:1Measurement of Radon-thoron and Progeny concentrations and equilibrium factors in Mizoram. .BRNS

Sanction No. 2007/36/67-BRNS/2507 dated 31.1.20082008-2011

(extended upto March 2012)Rs. 48,42,0001.Dr. B. Zoliana

2.Dr. R.K. Thapa


Dr. Mayya, Scientist G, BARC. Mumbai2 A comprehensive study of Natural radionuclides like U238, Ra226 and Rn222 in various matrices available in MizoramBRNS Sanction No. 36(4)/14/68/2014-BRNS/36012 Dated 01.03.2016,2016-18Rs.38,03,0001.Dr. B. Zoliana

2.Dr. Lalhmingliana

3. Dr. Malsawma


Dr. B.K. Sahoo, Scientist E, BARC. Mumbai3Online monitoring of radon exhalation and modelling in fault regions of Aizawl and Kolasib

districts of Northern Mizoram.BRNS Sanction No. 36(4)/14/68/2014-BRNS/36016  Dated 01.03.2016,2016-18Rs. 33,83,7501. Dr. Rosangliana

2. Dr. B. Zoliana


Dr. BK Sahoo Scientist E, BARC. Mumbai

3. List of equipments:

3.1     Gamma Survey meter

3.2     Radon -Thoron Monitor (RnDuo) with accessories

3.3     NaI (Tl) Gamma Spectrometry

3.4     Reference Standard

3.5     LED Fluorimeter

3.6     Water pH and temperature measuring instruments

3.7     Multichannel Analyser (G-Spec)

3.8     RAD-7 Detector and associated accessories

3.9     Desktop Computer

3.10   Twin cup dosimeters

3.11   Solid State Nuclear Track Detector (SSNTD) and associated accessories

3.12   GPS

3.13   Pin-Hole based Dosimeter

3.14   Direct Progenies Sensor

4. List of Investigators:

4.1. Prof. B. Zoliana

4.2.Dr. Rosangliana

4.3.Dr. Lawrence Zonunmawia

4.4.Dr. PC. Rohmingliana

4.5.Dr. Lalrinmawia Pachuau

5. List of Students who utilised the instruments of the Laboratory:

5.1.Dr. Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng Ph.D. (8.11. 2012 from Dept of Physics, MZU)

5.2.Dr. PC. Rohmingliana (27.11. 2015 from Dept of Physics, MZU)

5.3.Dr. Lawrence Zonunmawia (2017 from Dept of Physics, MZU)

5.4.Dr. Vanramlawma (Department of Physics, MZU)

5.5.Dr. Hmingchungnunga (Department of Physics, MZU)

5.6.Mr. Laldingngheta (Research Scholar, Department of Physics, MZU)

5.7.Mr. Mr. Remlalsiama (Research Scholar, Department of Physics, MZU)

6. List of PhD from the Laboratory:

6.1     Dr. Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng

6.2     Dr. PC. Rohmingliana

6.3     Dr. Lawrence Zonunmawia

6.4     Dr. Vanramlawma

6.5     Dr. Hmingchungnunga

7. List of Papers produced from this laboratory:

  1. Measurement of indoor concentrations of radon and thoron in Mizoram, India, P.C. Rohmingliana, Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, R.K. Thapa, B.K. Sahoo, R. Mishra, B. Zoliana and Y.S .Mayya, Sci. Vis. 10(4), (2010) . ISSN (print) 0975-6175; ISSN (online) 2229-6026.
  2. Measurements of Equilibrium factor of radon in Aizawl, Mizoram, India. Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, P.C. Rohmingliana, R.K. Thapa, R. Mishra, B.K. Sahoo, B. Zoliana andY.S. Mayya. Sci. Vis. 11(2), (2011).    ISSN (print) 0975-6175; ISSN (online) 2229-6026.
  3. Radon and the risk of lung cancer in Aizawl District, Mizoram, India, B. Zoliana, Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, P.C. Rohmingliana and R.K. Thapa, Sci. Vis. 10(2), 66-72 (2010). ISSN (print) 0975-6175; ISSN (online) 2229-6026.
  4. Study of radon concentrations in relation with the radioactivity content of building materials in Aizawl district, Mizoram, India. Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, P.C. Rohmingliana, R.K. Thapa, B.K. Sahoo, R. Mishra, B. Zoliana, YS. Mayya, Proceeding of SSNTD-17, M.S. University of Baroda, Gujarat,17-19 Oct. 2011. Published by Narosa Publisher, Delhi. ISBN 978-81-8487-259-0
  5. Study of radon flux from soil surface in middle part of Mizoram, India. P.C. Rohmingliana, Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, R.K. Thapa, B.K. Sahoo, R. Mishra, B. Zoliana, YS. Mayya, Proceeding of SSNTD-17, M.S. University of Baroda, Gujarat,17-19 Oct. 2011. Published by Narosa Publisher. Delhi. ISBN 978-81-8487-259-0.
  6. Seasonal Variation of Radon/Thoron and their progeny concentration in Saiha District, Mizoram, India. P.C. Rohmingliana, Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, R.K. Thapa, B. Zoliana, B.K. Sahoo, R. Mishra, Y.S. Mayya.Proceedings of International conference of Advances in Environmental Chemistry, Mizoram University, 16-18, Nov.2011.Published by Excel India Publisher, New Delhi. ISSN No. 978-93-81361-53-5.
  7. Study of Population Dosimetry in Middle Part of Mizoram, India. Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, P. C. Rohmingliana, R. K. Thapa, B. K. Sahoo, Rosaline Mishra, B. Zoliana, Y. S. Mayya. Proceedings of International conference of Advances in Environmental Chemistry, Mizoram University, 16-18, Nov.2011. Published by Excel India Publisher, New Delhi. ISSN No. 978-93-81361-53-5.
  8. Measurement of radon concentration inside and around dwellings in fault regions of Aizawl city, Mizoram, India. B. Zoliana, P.C. Rohmingliana, Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, R.K.Thapa, R.Mishra, B.K.Sahoo, Y.S.Mayya.Proceedings of International conference of Advances in Environmental Chemistry, Mizoram University, 16-19, Nov.2011. Published by Exel India Publisher, New Delhi. ISSN No. 978-93-81361-53-5.
  9. Measurement of radon concentration in dwellings from the affected landslide area of Mamit town, Mizoram, India P.C. Rohmingliana, L. Vanchhawng, R. K. Thapa, M. Lalthansangi, Lalrintluangi, Laltlanchhungi, Lalremruati Hmar, Lalnunthara, B. K. Sahoo, Y. S. Mayya and B. Zoliana. Sci. Vis. 12 (3), 92-96 (2012). ISSN (print) 0975-6175, ISSN (online) 2229-6026.
  10. Indoor radon concentration and radon flux measurement in north east India. B. Zoliana, P.C. Rohmingliana, R.K. Thapa, L. Vanchhawng, J.H. Zoremthanga, B.K. Sahoo and Y.S. Mayya. ISST Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 5 No. 2, (2014), p.p. 40-43. ISSN No. 0976-903X.
  11. Measurement of inhalation dose for radon in dwellings using direct progeny sensors in southern part of Mizoram, India. P.C. Rohmingliana, R.K. Thapa, Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, B. Zoliana, B.K. Sahoo, R. Mishra and Y.S. Mayya. ISST Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 5 No. 2, (2014), p.p. 85-88. ISSN No. 0976-903X.
  12. Observation of radon concentration and measurement of natural gamma radiation inside the tourist-visited-caves in Mizoram, India. B. Zoliana, P.C. Rohmingliana, L.Z. Chhangte, Lalṭanpuia and B.K. Sahoo. Sci. Vis. 15 (supplementary) (2015). ISSN (print) 0975-6175, ISSN (online) 2229-6026, p s19-s22.
  13. Measurement of indoor radon concentrations in correlation to geographical location and construction type of buildings in middle part of Mizoram, India. P.C. Rohmingliana, B. Zoliana, Lawrence Z. Chhangte, B.K. Sahoo, R. Mishra and Y.S. Mayya. . Sci. Vis. 15 (supplementary) (2015). ISSN (print) 0975-6175, ISSN (online) 2229-6026, p s58-s63.
  14. Measurement of radon concentration in dwellings in the region of highest lung cancer incidence in India. B. Zoliana, P.C. Rohmingliana, B.K. Sahoo, R. Mishra, Y.S. Mayya Radiation Protection Dosimetry. ISSN: 0144-8420 Impact Factor 0.913 P 1-4. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncw056,(2016)
  15. Annual inhalation dose of indoor radon in dwellings in Aizawl City, Mizoram, India.  Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, P.C.Rohmingliana, B.Zoliana, B.K.Sahoo and R.Mishra. P 16-21 Science Vison ISSN (print) 0975-6175; ISSN (online) 2229-6026.
  16. Seasonal Variation of Indoor Radon Concentrations in dwellings in Eastern part of Mizoram, Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng, P.C. Rohmingliana, B. Zoliana, R. Mishra and B.K. Sahoo, . Proceedings of Mizoram Science Congress 2016 held at Mizoram University during 13-14 October 2016, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.  ISBN 978-93-85926-49-5 (2017)
  17. Measurement of Gamma radiation dose and its correlation with radon concentration in the southern part of Mizoram, India, LZ Chhangte, Z. Pachuau, P.C. Rohmingliana, B. Zoliana, B.K. Sahoo and B.K. Sapra. Proceedings of Mizoram Science Congress 2016 held at Mizoram University during 13-14 October 2016, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.  ISBN 978-93-85926-49-5 (2017)
  18. Comparison of single and double entry twin cup dosimeter in measuring indoor radon and thoron concentration in Mizoram, India. LZ Chhangte, Z. Pachuau, P.C. Rohmingliana, B. Zoliana, B.K. Sahoo and B.K. Sapra. Sci Vis 18 (1), p 51—55. ISSN (print) 0975-6175; ISSN (online) 2229-6026. (2018).
  19. Measurement of Primordial Radionuclides in Soil and Building Materials from Mizoram, India. L.Z. Chhangte, Hmingchungnunga, Vanramlawma, Laldingngheta, Remlalsiama, Z Pachuau, B. Zoliana, P.C. Rohmingliana, B.K. Sahoo, B.K. Sapra, J. Malsawma, L. Hnamte. Proceedings of Mizoram Science Congress 2018 held at PUC during 4-5 October 2018, Atlantis Press, Amsterdam, Paris, Beijing, p186-189. ISSN 2352-5401; ISBN 978-94-6252-638-9.
  20. Assessment of Radon Content in Water Using Smart RnDuo in North East India. Hmingchungnunga, L.Z. Chhangte, Vanramlawma, Laldingngheta, Remlalsiama, Z. Pachuau, B. Zoliana, Rosangliana, B.K. Sahoo, B.K. Sapra, J. Malsawma, L. Hnamte. Proceedings of Mizoram Science Congress 2018 held at PUC during 4-5 October 2018, Atlantis Press, Amsterdam, Paris, Beijing, p186-189. ISSN 2352-5401; ISBN 978-94-6252-638-9.
  21. Measurement of Natural Radioactivity Using NaI (Tl) Detector in Soil Samples Collected from Aizawl, Mizoram, India. Vanramlawma, Hmingchungnunga, Laldingngheta, Remlalsiama, L.Z. Chhangte, Z. Pachuau, B. Zoliana, Rosangliana, B.K. Sahoo, B.K. Sapra, J. Malsawma, L. Hnamte. Proceedings of Mizoram Science Congress 2018 held at PUC during 4-5 October 2018, Atlantis Press, Amsterdam, Paris, Beijing, p186-189. ISSN 2352-5401; ISBN 978-94-6252-638-9.
  22. Study of Indoor Radon/ Thoron Concentration  with Respect to Construction Types of Dwellings in Mizoram, India L.Z. Chhangte, P.C. Rohmingliana, Zirlianngura, B.K. Sahoo, B.K. Sapra, B. Zoliana and Z. Pachuau. Science and Technology Journal Vol. 6, No.: 2, July–December 2018, p 44-46.  ISSN: 2321–3388.
  23. Measurement of radon exhalation from soil samples in various fault regions of Aizawl district, Mizoram, India. Laldingngheta, Vanramlawma, Hmingchungnunga, L.Z. Chhangte, R.C Tiwari, Rosangliana, B. Zoliana, B.K. Sahoo, T.K. Agarwal. Proceedings of Mizoram Science Congress 2018 held at PUC during 4-5  October 2018, Atlantis Press, Amsterdam, Paris, Beijing. ISSN 2352-5401; ISBN 978-94-6252-638-9. Page 198-201.
  24. Estimation of Radon Mass Exhalation Rate and Radium Content in Soil Samples Collected from Kolasib District of Mizoram, India. Vanramlawma, Hmingchungnunga, B. Zoliana, L. Z. Chhangte, B. K. Sahoo, B. K. Sapra, Z. Pachuau. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429 Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020- A. Page 793-798.
  25. Seasonal Variation of Radon Concentration in Water Sources using Smart RnDuo Hmingchungnunga, Vanramlawma, Z. Pachuau, B. Zoliana, L. Z. Chhangte, B. K Sahoo, B. K Sapra. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429 Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020- A. Page 95-100.
  26. Determination of Radon Mass Exhalation Rate in the Region of Highest Lung Cancer Incidence in India. LZ Chhangte, PC Rohmingliana, B. K. Sahoo, B. K. Sapra, Hmingchungnunga, Vanramlawma, Remlalsiama, Z. Pachuau and B. Zoliana. Radiation Environment and Medicine 2019 Vol.8, No.2 p113–117.