The Institute follows a well-structured administrative set up with relevant policies to support its functioning. As a government College, the Secretariat of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Mizoram is the highest administrative authority over the institute which is followed by the Directorate of Higher and Technical education. Hence, the appointment and transfer of teachers is not within the purview of the institute.

The Government of Mizoram appoints teachers of the college through interviews before appropriate interview boards. Transfer and posting of teachers are also done by the Government of Mizoram. The Government of Mizoram has adopted the university Grants Commission (Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers and other measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) Regulations,2018 referred to as the UGC Regulations,2018) for college teachers and equivalent cadres in Mizoram Vide Notification No.G.12011/1/2017-THE Dated the 5th December 2018. Prior to this the Government had followed UGC rules and regulations in service matters including appointment, promotion and retirement.

Within the Institute, the Principal of the college lies at the helm of the administrative set-up. He is supported by the Vice- Principal and the heads of department in administrative matters. In matters concerning office administration he is assisted by the non –teaching Faculty with the head assistant as the head. Some of the procedures adopted by the Non-teaching staff to maintain discipline in its administrative set-up are:


  • The principal is the administrative head and in matters concerning Non-Teaching he is assisted by the Head assistant in whose absence the upper desk clerk (UDC) takes over.
  • Attendance of non-teaching staff is collected every day. They are expected to arrive at the college by 9:30 a.m. The attendance sheet is submitted to the principal by 10:00 a.m. Failure to arrive on time without valid reason will be treated as absence from work.
  • Office hours are upto 5:00 p.m and permission to leave early (other than on duty) has to be taken from the Head Assistant.
  • Those applying for Casual leave has to give prior notice unless it is an emergency case•
  • Those applying for Earned leave have to apply 5 days in advance.
  • Application for outstation leave has to be made to the Principal.
  • Separate files are attached to the office assistants and they may assist another unless it is financial matter.