Report on Science Exhibition 2022
Theme : Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Development of Science and Technology
Date : 21st October, 2022 Friday.
Venue : Government Zirtiri Residential Science College, Durtlang Campus , Block 2 ,Room no 301 and terrace.
Organisers: Innovation Club, IQAC and MISTIC.
The Innovation Club GZRSC in collaboration with IQAC and Mizoram Science Technology and Innovation Council,MISTIC organized Science Exhibition,2022 at the Durtlang campus of Govt Zirtiri Residential Science College on the 21st October,2022, Friday . Only Innovation Club members are allowed to participate where members are divided into 8 groups . Group details are as follows:
Group 1 : Laser security system
Group 2 : Wind energy and impact on deforestation
Group 3: Water level indicator
Group 4: Photosynthesis
Group 5: Earthquake alarm
Group 6: Free energy from road
Group 7 : Automatic light
Group 8: Wind turbine
1. Dr Lalhmingliana Hnamte
2. Dr Ricky Lalhmangaihzuala
3 PC Lalngilneia,Sr Scientific Officer MISTIC
Winners :
1st : Group 3 : Water Level Indicator ( Rs 7000)
2nd : Group 7: Automatic Light (Rs 5000)
3rd : Group 6 : Free energy from road.(Rs 4000)
Participation prize of Rs 1000 each was given to other 5 groups.
This exhibition saw a big turnout of students and faculties alike. Five different schools with 354 students and teachers from neighbouring localities including our adopted school, Republic Higher Secondary School visited the exhibition which started at 10:30 am at Room 301 and adjoining terrace. Exhibitors who are Innovation Club members did their best to demonstrate how their models work. They must have done a wonderful job as most of the invitees were deeply engrossed and left extremely impressed.
At the terrace, as requested,different departments showcased their specimens ,charts and models .Invitees were given a detailed explanation here too. The main highlight at the terrace had to be the Cooking Club stall which catered to many people. For raising funds , they sold paani Puri, mixed snacks , sandwich , juice etc which got over quickly.
The exhibition was opened from 1: 00 pm to 2:30 pm for our students alone. As per the record of the Reception Committee, visitors of this exhibition are as follows:
Students from other schools: 354
College students: 515
Faculty : 63
Schools who came to the exhibition were St Joseph Higher Secondary School, Emmanuel English Boarding School, St. Francis of Assisi School, Durtlang High School and Republic Higher Secondary School and Republic High School. Rosebud School declined our invitation due to their ongoing school jubilee celebration programme.
The Innovation Club requested help from different committees and clubs such as Reception , Cleanliness and Sanitation , Refreshments , Media & Publicity, Decoration, Photography,Light & Sound . Due to their concerted support , the exhibition became a success. Funds received from the Principal and MISTIC are truly appreciated.
Feedback : It was encouraging to hear good feedback especially from teachers of invited schools. They even added that they are more than willing to attend an event of this kind in future again. Faculty members also expressed their delight on seeing the turnout and congratulated the club for their efforts.
The closing function was held at 2: 30 pm at the exhibition room. Details of the programme is as follows:
Chairman : Mr Lalhruaitluanga
Speech : Principal Prof. B.Zoliana
Speech : PC Lalngilneia,Sr Scientific Officer, MISTIC
Speech : Dr Lalhmingliana Hnamte ( from the judges)
Prize distribution: Dr Samuel Lallianrawna
Vote of thanks: Lalthanpuii Hnamte
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