Last Updated : 29th June 2024 GMT 2:03 PM

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Prof B Zoliana Principal

Principal's Message

We, at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College, are committed to our motto “Lighted to Lighten”. It gives me great happiness to announce that Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College is now equipped with its own website. I do hope it provides both the faculty and the students of this College with a platform for exchange of ideas and information . It is also intended to benefit all others who visit it to learn more about our College, in whatever capacity it may be, I also, take the opportunity to thank the University Grants Commission (UGC) for making this achievement possible. Happy browsing !

Prof. B. Zoliana
Principal, GZRSC

Dr. Samuel Lallianrawna

Dr. Samuel Lallianrawna

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry


  • MSc (Chemistry),
  • Ph.D


  • Spectroscopy, Natural Product Chemistry


  • Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Govt. Serchhip College from 2008 - 2019.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College from 2019 till date.


  • Mobile : 9862322591
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Samuel Lallianrawna, R. Muthukumaran, Vanlalhruaii Ralte G. Gurusubramanian N. Senthil Kumar (2013). Determination of total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and total antioxidant capacity of Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) King & H. Rob. Sci Vis Vol 13 (4 ), 150-156, ISSN (print) 0975-6175 ISSN (online) 2229-6026.
  2. Vanlalhruaii Ralte, Samuel Lallianrawna (2014). In vitro antioxidant activity of Ageratina adenophora (King & Rob) and Ipomoea cairica (L) Sweet. Sci Vis Vol 14 (3 ), 128 -132, ISSN (print) 0975-6175 ISSN (online) 2229-6026.
  3. Samuel Lallianrawna, Muthukumaran R., Vanlalhruaii Ralte (2014). Phytochemical Characterization of Extracts of Ageratina adenophora and Ipomoea cairica. Proceedings of International Conference cum Exhibition on Drug Discovery and Development from Natural Resources. Vol 1, 245-253, ISBN 978-81-923224-1-4.
  4. Samuel L., Lalrotluanga, Muthukumaran RB, Gurusubramanian G, Senthil Kumar N (2014). Larvicidal activity of Ipomoea cairica (L) Sweet and Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) King & H.Rob. plant extracts against arboviral and filarial vector Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Dipteria culicidae). Exp Parasitol., Vol 141, 112 – 121.
  5. Sahoo U K, Jeeceelee L, Lallianrawna S, and Muthukumaran R B (2015). Effect of Citrus reticulata blanco leaf extract on seed germination and initial seedling growth parameters of five home garden food crops. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences,Vol 3 (6), 517 – 528. ISSN No. 2320 – 8694.
  6. David Rosangliana, Samuel Lallianrawna, Zirlianngura, C. Sangluaii, Benjamin L. Saitluanga (2019). Status of science education in college: a gender study of northeast India. IJRAR Vol 6 (1), 747 – 752. ISSN2348-1269 (online), ISSN 2349-5138 (print).
  7. David Rosangliana, R. Lalthankhumi, Benjamin L. Saitluanga, Samuel Lallianrawna (2019). Research activity of college teachers: a case study of Mizoram. JETIR Vol 6 (3), 71-79. ISSN : 2349-5162
  8. Chhangte Vanlalveni, Samuel Lallianrawna, Ayushi Biswas, Manickam Selvaraj, Bishwajit Changmai, Samuel Lalthazuala Rokhum (2021). Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using plant extracts and their antimicrobial activities: A review of recent literature.RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 2804.
  9. Malsawmdawngliani, Gospel Lallawmzuali, Samuel Lallianrawna, Thanhmingliana, K. Vanlaldinpuia (2021). Potential Application of Indigenous Microorganism Derived Biosorbent in the Efficient Removal of Congo-red from Aqueous Solution. Science And Technology Journal Vol 9 (2), 48-58, ISSN 2321-3388.


  1. Completed the ‘Orientation Programme on Physical Sciences & Engineering’ during 18th Jan. – 16th Feb., 2010 organised by UGC-ASC, Mizoram University.
  2. Completed the ‘Refresher Course in Physical Sciences & Engineering Technology’ during 18th Aug. – 09th Sept., 2010 organised by UGC-ASC, Mizoram University.
  3. Completed the ‘Refresher Course on Indian Medicinal Plants (Inter Disciplinary)’ during 24th Aug. – 13th Sept., 2017 organized by HRDC-ASC, Mizoram University.


  1. Attended training on ‘Teaching-Learning and Evaluation for improvement of Examination Results in Higher Education’ on 7th May, 2009 At Aizawl jointly organized by QAC, H&TE and Principals’ Council, Mizoram.
  2. Attended national seminar cum training programme on ‘Green and Environmental Chemistry’ on 30th March, 2011 organized by Department of Chemistry, Mizoram University.
  3. Participated in the ‘2nd Principal’s Conference’ during 6th – 18th April, 2011 organized by UGC-ASC, Mizoram University.
  4. Attended national seminar cum training programme on ‘Recent Advances in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ on 11th – 25th April, 2011 organized by Department of HAMP, Mizoram University.
  5. Attended the DBT-Sponsored 1st summer school cum workshop on 23th – 27th May, 2011 organized by DBT, GOI and Department of Pharmacy, RIPANS, Mizoram.
  6. Attended the international conference on ‘Advances in Environmental Chemistry’ during 16th – 18th Nov., 2011 organized by Department of Chemistry, Mizoram University.
  7. Participated in the ‘Short Term Course on Computer Application’ during 12th Jan. – 16th Dec., 2011 organized by UGC-ASC, Mizoram University
  8. Attended the ‘One Day Seminar on Animal Welfare and Ethics’ on 6th June, 2013 organized by Department of Pharmacy, RIPANS in collaboration with CPCSEA.
  9. Attended the two days national seminar on ‘Green Chemistry for Greener Environment’ on 26th – 27th Nov., 2012 organized by PUC, Mizoram University.
  10. Attended the national seminar on ‘Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities ’ during 6th – 7th March., 2014 organized by Department of Geography and resource Management, Mizoram University.
  11. Attended workshop on ‘Recent Advances in Chemistry ’ during 2nd – 4th June., 2014 organized by Department of Chemistry, Mizoram University.
  12. Attended the short term course on ‘Border Studies’ during 28th Oct. – 3rd Nov., organized by UGC-ASC, Mizoram University.
  13. Participated in the three days workshop on ‘Molecular Docking and Virtual Screening’ during 2nd – 4th Oct., 2014 organized by Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility, Department of Biotechnology, MZU & Department of Biotechnology, GOI.
  14. Attended the Orientation Workshop on ‘Radiation – Its Applications in Chemical, Physical and Life Sciences’ during 29th – 31st Oct., 2014 jointly organized by UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research & Department of Chemistry, MZU.
  15. Attended the one week course on ‘Applied Statistics’ during 7th Oct. – 12th Sept., 2015 organized by UGC-HRDC, Mizoram University.
  16. Attended one day state level seminar on ‘Roles of RUSA in Higher Education’ on 12th Feb., 2016 organized by RUSA, Govt. Serchhip College.
  17. Participated in the ‘Seminar on Make in India: Science and Technology Driven Innovations’ on 4th Nov., 2016 organized by Mizo Academy of Sciences & MISTIC, Govt. of Mizoram
  18. Attended the ‘4th Workshop on Official Statistics in North Eastern States’ during 7th – 13th Nov., 2016 organized by ISI, Kolkata & department of Statistics, PUC, Aizawl.
  19. Attended the ‘3rd School on Trace Analysis’ during 27th March – 2nd April., 2017 jointly organized by Mizoram University & Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata.
  20. Organized ‘Sensitization Workshop on Climate Change in Mizoram’ on 1st Aug., 2018 in collaboration with State Climate Change Cell, MISTIC.
  21. Completed ‘Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship’ during 10th – 22nd Sept., 2018 jointly organized by Department of Commerce, MZU & DST, GoI under DST-NIMAT Project 2018-19.
  22. Participated in the one day state level workshop on ‘UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for appointment of Teachers and Other Academic Staffs in Universities and Colleges and Other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education, 2018’ on 8th Aug., 2018 organized by MCTA, Aizawl.
  23. Participated in the national workshop[ on ‘ Molecular Docking, Virtual Screening and Computational Biology’ during 18th – 22nd June, 2018 organized by Department of Pharmacy, RIPANS in collaboration with Schrodinger, Bangalore.
  24. Attended the one day workshop on ‘NAAC Awareness Programme (NAP) for Assessment and Accreditation Under Revised Accreditation Programme(RAP)’ on 3rd Dec., 2018 jointly organized by MZU & H&TE, Govt. of Mizoram.
  25. Attended ‘State Level one Day Seminar on Basic Concepts of Scientific Research in Chemistry’ on 17th Oct., 2018 organized by Department of Chemistry, PUC.
  26. Attended the ‘State Level Workshop on Best Practices for Colleges’ on 9th Aug., 2019 organized by Co-ordination Committee for Best Practices Board Based Quality Improvement of Higher Education in collaboration with SPD-RUSA, Govt. of Mizoram
  27. Attended ‘One Day State Level Consultation of Draft NEP-2019 (With Special Reference to Higher Education)’ on 21st Aug., 2019 organized by MCTA under the sponsorship of SPD-RUSA, Govt. of Mizoram.
  28. Participated in ‘Training on Capacity Building of Leadership and Personality Development Through Life-Skills’ during 3rd – 7th Dec., 2019 at Govt. Serchhip College organized by Regional Directorate of NSS, Guwahati in collaboration with State NSS Cell, Mizoram and Govt. Serchhip College.
  29. Participated at the international level ‘Winter School for B.Sc. Students’ during 9th – 13th Dec., 2019 at Pachhunga University College organized by Department of Chemistry and Geology, PUC.
  30. Participated in ‘One Day Workshop on E-Content Development’ held on 10th Feb., 2020 at Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College (GZRSC) organized by IQAC, GZRSC.
  31. Organizing Member in the Seminar on ‘Women in Science’ on the occasion of National Science Day 2020 Celebration held on 28th Feb., 2020 at GZRSC, Aizawl organized by GZRSC and MISTIC, Mizoram
  32. Attended ‘One Week International Webinar on Natural Disaster with Special Emphasis to Earthquake and its Implications’ during 20th – 24th July, 2020 organized by IQAC, Govt. Champhai College.
  33. Participated in the ‘Five Days Faculty Development Programme on E-Teaching’ held during 30th July – 4th Aug., 2020 at GZRSC Aizawl organized by Research & Seminar Committee, GZRSC.
  34. Attended a webinar on ‘Defense Against Chemical and Biological Warfare’ on 19th Aug., 2020 organized by Department of Industrial Chemistry, MZU.
  35. Participated in ‘One Week International Webinar on Advances of Science in Education’ during 8th – 13th March, 2021 jointly organized by Research Consultancy and Development Cell, Govt. Champhai College & MISTIC, Mizoram.
  36. Participated in ‘One Day International Webinar on Effect of Pandemic on the Environment and its Impact on Climate Change’ on 29th Jan., 2021 organised by Department of Chemistry and Zoology, Sankardev College, Shillong, Meghalaya.
  37. Participated in ‘Five Days Faculty Development Programme for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff’ during 5th – 9th April, 2021 organized by IQAC & Research and Seminar Committee, GZRSC.
  38. Attended ‘GZRSC MIS Release cum Training Programme’ held on 31st May, 2021 organized by IQAC, GZRSC, Aizawl.

Memberships (Associations/Societies and or Committees in College)
1. Executive Member, State Medicinal Plant Board, Department of AYUSH, Govt. of Mizoram.
2. Member, Board of Studies (BOS), Department of Chemistry, Mizoram University
3. Member, Moderation Board, Department of Chemistry, Mizoram University
4. Member, Research & Seminar Committee, GZRSC.
5. Member, Student Union Committee, GZRSC.

Resource Person/Paper Presented

  1. Presented a paper entitled ‘Phytochemical Characterization of Extracts of  Ageratina adenophora and Ipomoea cairica’ in the international conference cum exhibition on ‘Drugs Discovery and Development from Natural Resources’ during 5th – 6th Feb., 2014 organized by Department of Pharmacy, RIPANS and MoHF, GOI.
  2. Presented a paper entitled ‘Efficacy of Ipomoea cairica against third instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus (Say.) mosquito ’ in the national conference on ‘Frontier Areas in Chemistry and Workshop on Quantum Mechanics and Research Methodology’ during 23th – 24th Oct., 2013 organized by Shri Shivaji Science College, Amravati.
  3. Presenter a paper entitled ‘Chemistry in Everyday Life’ in the National Science Day Celebration held on 28th Feb., 2015 at Govt. Serchhip College.
  4. Presented a paper entitled ‘Phytochemical Study of Selected Ethno-Medicinal Plants in Mizoram’ an invited lecture for all chemistry core students of Pachhunga University College on 16th  October, 2015.
  5. Presenter a paper entitled ‘Medicinal Plants that Can Change Your Life’ in the National Science Day Celebration held on 28th Feb., 2017 at Govt. Serchhip College.
  6. Presenter a paper entitled ‘Higher Education Plan and its Implementation’ in the State Level Workshop on ‘National Policy on Higher Education and Institutional Accreditation’ on 25th Sept., 2018 jointly organized by SHEC cum SPD, RUSA and Govt. Serchhip College.
  7. Presented a paper entitled ‘Gender Gap in Science Education of North-East India: A Case Study of Colleges’ in the ICSSR-NERC sponsored national seminar on ‘Science Education in North-Eastern States of India: Current Status and Future Directions’ during 2nd and 3rd Nov., 2018 organized by Department of Education, MZU.
  8. Presented a paper entitled ’Chemistry and Us’ in the seminar on celebration of National Science Day 2019 on the theme ‘Science for the People and the people for Science’ on 28th Feb., 2019 at Govt. Serchhip College
  9. Presented a paper entitled ‘Principles of Spectroscopy’ an invited lecture for M.Sc. (Life Sciences), Pachhunga University College on 1st May, 2019.
  10. Presented a paper entitled ‘Biological Applications of Spectroscopy’ an invited lecture for M.Sc. (Life Sciences), Pachhunga University College on 8th  May, 2019.

Presented a paper entitled ‘Protein Sequencing by MALDI-TOF’ an invited lecture for M.Sc. (Life Sciences), Pachhunga University College on 15th  May, 2019.

This page was updated on 2st November 2021

Goals & Objectives

The principle goal is to cater to the need for higher learning in the college level in various fields of science education in Mizoram. It is envisaged that the knowledge and skills gained from the institution, with the degree obtained, would facilitate students for future employment opportunities. The main objectives of the college are:

  1. To be at par with esteemed colleges outside the state in terms of teaching-learning process and, also in terms of research output.
  2. To continuously strive to provide a platform for more choices and opportunities, particularly for students who cannot afford to pursue higher studies elsewhere.

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Contact Person

  • Prof. B. Zoliana
  • Principal
  • Govt. Zirtiri Residential Science College
  • Durtlang Leitan, Aizawl - Mizoram

Postal Address

  • Durtlang Leitan, Aizawl : Mizoram - 796025
  • Contact : +91 0389-2305848
  • Fax : +91 0389-2306252
  • Email:


  • Mr. H. Thangkhanhau
  • Dept. of Computer Science
  • Contact: +91 9856711477
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Government Zirtiri Residential Science College
Accredited Grade A (CGPA 3.09) by NAAC in 2022